Three's Company

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But most importantly, enjoy!!!


Valerie POV

Today is not my day.

On top of every singly move I make being tracked by the CIA, I have power hungry wolves trying to kill me, and worst of all, a nagging boyfriend who won't stop telling me how everything is always my fault.

Oh please, it was his idea to come here.

I wanted to go to Hawaii, but apparently that's too obvious of an location to hide in. 

I bit down on my bottom lip as the stab wound in my ankle burned brightly, lighting up any dark corners in the alley. "Chase," I panted heavily, as the black van's wheels scraped against the pavement like nails on a chalkboard. I cringed at the noise and the pain stinging in my ankle. "get us out of here." I sighed. 

"So all the sudden you want me to protect you?" He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"It's your job." I reminded him. Chase chuckled slowly. The van screeched to a hault, the rearview mirror had been completely scraped off as it squeezed between the brick walls on either side of us. It clattered loudly onto the ground as the back door slid open. 

"If you want me to do my job, you have to do yours first." He smiled slowly, an idea coming to his mind as they flashed the headlights into our eyes to momentarily blind us.

"Um hello?" Greg shouted at the two of us, as Chase held me in his arms. "I'm kind of outnumbered." He laughed nervously, as the Lawless shuffled out of the van in their long black ropes that dragged across the mildew covered cement. "A little help will certainly be nice!" He grunted, throwing one fifteen feet into the air with one swipe of his arm. 

"Chase!" I shouted at him. "What are you doing?" I shoved him, trying to get him to go help Greg.

"Tell me you love me." He snickered, a grin spreading across his face.

"Right now really isn't the time for me to confess my love for you!" I laughed uneasily, unable to move due to my injury and watching helplessly as Greg fought for his life. That's problably what Chase wanted anyways, for the past year he's being coming up with countless ways to get rid of our, "Extra baggage." 

"How could I possibly defend someone who doesn't love me?" Chase pouted, as one of the Lawless jumped on top of Greg. 

"Chase!" I screamed, digging my nails into his neck. Chase had lifted me off the ground and cradled me in his arms, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to help support me. 

"Tell  me you love me." Chase pleaded innocently.

"You're being ridiculous." I glared at him.

"Seriously, you guys?" Greg shouted at us, kicking an Lawless off from on top of him and summersaulting backwards back into a standing position. 

"Tell me you love me." Chase repeated, smiling wickedly. 

"I love you, okay?" I shouted. Chase's smile widened. He pecked me lightly on the lips. 

"Of course you do." He replied smugly, throwing me into the back of the convertible.

"Go help Greg, you pyschomaniac." I teased him, resting my head against the arm rest. I caressed the stab wound on my ankle. I needed at least three Enchantress's to heal a injury. It was one of the reasons that made it so hard being separated from the others. Whenever we got hurt we were forced to take time off to heal. It held us back for months when some Lawless crashed into Greg on the freeway. What scares me the most is not knowing if one of us really needs healing. We'd never be able to save them in time.

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