If Looks Could Kill

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A/N Thanks for being so patient and supportive I hope you enjoy this chapter and please don't forget to tell me what you think!


Valerie POV

"I really hope you know what your doing." Chase muttered in my ear, as I looked over myself one last time in the overhanging mirror next to the front door. I rolled my eyes at his reflection in the mirror and turned around to face him.

"It's just a party." I laughed, teasingly waving the syringe between my fingertips.

"You're lucky I don't use that thing on you right now and get us the hell out of here." Chase smirked, straightening the collar on his shirt.

"I'd like to see you try." I challenged him, tucking the syringe into a make-shift strap in the middle of my thigh.

"Let me remind you that I've taught you everything you know." He praised himself, pulling out a gun from the pocket in his jacket.

"Where the hell did you get that?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You've got to be kidding me." I reached for the handle, but he held it high above my head where I couldn't reach it.

"Just an extra precaution." He shrugged it off.

"When have we ever used extra precautions?" I tried to keep my voice down, I didn't want to draw any more attention to Eric sitting in the kitchen who was already shooting daggers at me with his eyes. I swear, if looks could kill, I would have drop dead an hour ago. "Put that thing down before you hurt yourself." I muttered.

"Listen," He gripped me by the wrist. "we have no clue how many Lawless are going to be in there. You need all the protection you can get."

I yanked my wrist out of his tight grip. "Since when are my powers not enough?"

"Since we destroyed Bayside last spring!" He shouted.

"Would you keep it down?" I gritted between my teeth.

"What are you trying to hide, Val? Don't want Eric to see that your really not so perfect after all?" He mocked.

"It's been a year and you're still a jerk." I shoved him backwards.

"I'm just stating the facts, Val." He held out his arms innocently. "You're just afraid of the truth."

"How about you shove that gun up your ass?" I suggested.

Chase chuckled under his breath. "Maybe you should try killing the Lawless with sarcasm."

"At least I don't need a gun." I smiled.

"If I recall, you're powers weren't too helpful last time. You still managed to fall right into Logan's trapand I, like always, had to come rescue you." He smirked, raising a single eye-brow at me.

"I'd hit you right now but then I'd have to take off this dress."

"Fne with me." Chase smirked, making my insides bubble as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I don't know about you losers but," Quinn interuppted as she ascended from the stairs dramatically. "I'm in the mood to crash a party."

"About fricken time." Eric muttered. "Valerie's voice was giving me a headache."

"Tell me about it." Chase chuckled. I pushed him off of me, re-adjusting my dress.

"Did I miss something?" Quinn looked between the three of us.

"Let's just go." I tugged on her hand, pulling her with me as Chase and Eric followed behind us. This time, I was getting daggers from the both of them.

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