The Frontline

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A/N Comment/Vote <3 And don't forget to read the note at the bottom!!!!

Greg POV

"Hello?" I shouted, straining my neck as I struggled to turn over my body. The van had been at a standstill for awhile but it was only a matter of time until we arrived at wherever they were taking me. I couldn't stall them for much longer. The agents were getting restless with my constant sarcastic comments and they were just on the verge of snapping. I had to get out of here. The back doors were yanked open letting in a burst of wind that rustled through my hair. It was like nature was calling to me-trying to give me the strenght to fight back. "Jimmy," My lips spread into a smile as the awkward pudgy and incompetent intern stumbled into the van. I could already see a bead of sweat forming on his greasy head. "just the guy I was looking for." 

"Not this time, Greg." He shook his head, trying to avoid making eye-contact with me. He yanked out his briefcase, pulling out the syringe he injected into my ankle daily that enabled my powers. His hands trembled as he came towards me. "I'm not going to let you bully me this time." He gulped uneasily. "Now if you would just stay still..."

"That's what I love about you Jimmy." I caught him off-guard. His mouth fell-open and he fumbled nervously dropping the syringe. 

"You-you-you what?" He raised his eyebrow. 

"Do you have any family, Jim?" I changed the subject. 

"Don't call me Jim-" He started but I cut him off again.

"Let me older brother?" Jimmy started to sweat again.  

"All I need to do is just make a quick insertion..."

I glanced at his badge noticing his last name for the first time.  A smirk spread across my lips. This was almost too easy. "It must suck always living in the shadow of your big brother. I wonder why Agent Aaron never told me about you. I guess he's embarassed. You being an intern while he's the head of an operation. I bet your parent's always say how proud they are of him."

Jimmy's face began to turn red. "He-he never mentioned me?" 

"I know right?" I agreed. "You're a good guy, Jimmy. You always do what you're told."

He squeezed his hands into fists. "He thinks he's such a bigshot." He muttered under his breath. "The interns are the ones who do the real work. He just is here to look pretty for the cameras."

"I'm guessing you have trouble with the ladies, am I right?" I chuckled. He clenched his jaw. "I can help you, if you want."

"And why would you do that?" He laughed, pushing the lens of his glasses onto the bridge of his nose.

"Because you're going to help me." 


Valerie POV

"There's been a slight change of plans." Quinn burst into my room, holding a wrapped box behind her back.

"Is that my dress?" I asked,  looking over the tight black leather that hugged her curves perfectly.

"I couldn't resist!" She giggled turning around in a circle for me. "Don't worry," She reasured me, plopping the box onto the bed and untying the red ribbon wrapped around it. "I didn't forget about you." She said, taking out the dress and holding it in the air proudly. "So what do you think?" She squealed. 

I couldn't help but fall in love with it. It couldn't compare to the glamour of my Spring Fling gown but it was still perfect. It was short, and light blue to match my eyes cut just above the knee with a cut-out heart in the back and sweat-heart neckline. "It's perfect." My lips spread into a smile-the first real smile I have had in a long time. 

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