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A/N Thanks for reading don't forget to comment/vote! I'm sorry it's been taking me so long to upload I've been going through a hard time with my boyfriend lately so I'll try to get more chapters up soon!


The reason we are so afraid of the dark isn't because we're scared of the monster hiding under our bed, it's because we're scared of what might happen when the light goes back on.


Katy POV

I interlocked my fingers with Jonny my paisley sweater rubbing against his brown leather jacket. My boots clicked along the pavement as we entered through a balloon arch and headed towards the ticket booth. The screams of the people on the Tilt-A-Whirl could be heard throughout the park. I pulled my hair back into a pony so that the wind wouldn't push it into my technicolor eyes. The sky was just starting to turn black, rays of reds, orange, and yellow dimmed from the sky as the full moon started to rise. "So what do you want to go on first?" Jonny asked, waving a handful of tickets at my face.

"How about we start with something slow?" I suggested, grabbing him by the arm and tugging him with me towards the game booths, my boots crushing the gravel underneath them. A string of lights cascaded down from the top of each booths, almost like stars, dangling just a couple feet above us.

"You are so lame." He teased me, a smile creeping across his lips, the lights reflecting in his bright eyes. "Lemme guess," He started as we walked up to one of the booths where you shoot plastic bullets and try to knock down a pile of cups. "you want me to win you a teddy bear." He raised a single eyebrow at me accusingly, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me tightly against him just as the wind rustled through my hair.

"Actually," I snapped the wad of tickets out of his hands. "I was going to win it for you." I laughed, running towards the booth as he chased after me. I handed over the tickets to the teenager working the booth, and plopped down on one of the stools perched right next to the plastic guns.

"Is that a challenge?" Jonny smirked, finally catching up to me. He yanked the tickets back, tearing them out of my jeans pocket and handed a handful over to the boy working the booth.

He took a seat on the stool besides me, gripping the plastic gun tightly between his fingertips. I squinted as I looked through the eye-glass trying to line my aim up with the plastic cups on the other end. I took a deep breath and slowly released it through my pursed lips as my fingers lightly pressed against the tigger. BANG! I jumped back from the gun staring at Jonny wide-eyed. He had his arms crossed over his chest with a smug expression on his face. Raising an eyebrow at me he proudly accepted the large panda bear from the teenager working the booth. I rolled my eyes at him, laughing silently to myself. "You missed one." I pointed out the single cup still standing.

"Let's see you do better." He shoved the panda in my face teasingly. I crouched down, clasping the gun lightly with my finger barely touching the trigger. "We don't have all day sweet heart." Jonny tapped his watch impatiently. I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes. Focus Katy. Control is key. Without control your powers are unpredictable. Nate's voice echoed in my mind just as I pulled the trigger. Jonny's mouth fell open and he dropped the panda onto the ground as all the cups toppled over. I bowed dramatically, the boy working the booth handed me a large purple bear that was almost twice the size of the panda. Jonny and I both broke into hysterics as I walked over to him struggling to hold the purple bear in my arms.

"Now what am I going to do with this? I laughed, shoving it into his face to show it off.

"Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair.

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