Drowning In Lies

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A/N Thanks so much for reading as always, enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think! I usually update a much faster when I have motivation :)

Derek POV

They were gaining on me.

I turned into an alley way, stepping into a puddle of water that soaked my  jeans. My footsteps echoing against the brick walls on either side of me.  A small smirk spread across my lips as I whipped my head behind me, to see that they had brought backup. This should be fun. I reached a brick wall, the dead end forcing me to turn around and face my three opponents. "Hello Boys." I chuckled under my breath, straightening my leather jacket collar and rolling up my sleeves. "Miss me?" I winked at them, clenching both my hands into tight fists. 

They all charged at once.

I grabbed the first one by the arm, twisting it behind his back as another one clawed at my head. I threw the one in my grip against the brick wall causing him to collapsed into a garbage dumpster and spun around to face the one who scraped his claw against my cheek. I clasped my hand to the fresh cut, my fingers grazing the blood. "You're so dead." I darkened my eyes wrapping my fingers around his throat cutting off all his air supplies and making his face turn a dark purple. 

"Behind you!" I dropped the now limp Lawless in my hands onto the cold concrete floor, as I rolled onto my side just inches away from getting my throat slashed by a razor sharp claw. Grace tackled the Lawless to the ground, pinning his arms underneath her well-defined legs. I couldn't help but get turned on by the way she moved so effortlessly in her tight leather jacket and skinny jeans.  I licked my lips, when she pulled out the pocket knife from her pocket and held it up against the Lawless's neck. 

"I didn't need your help. I was handling things fine without you." I told her matter-of-factly as she yanked the Lawless by the hair to expose his neck as she lightly grazed the knife against his skin. 

"I don't call almost getting your neck sliced open, handling things." She rolled her eyes at me, wincing slightly as she struggled to keep the writhing Lawless underneath her tight grip. 

"I thought I told you to stay in the car." Eyeing the barely visible lines of her bandage underneath the tight leather jacket. Grace still hadn't fully healed and I worried that the longer it took to find help that the more the infection would spread. She tried to deny the changes. But even Grace couldn't hide the way her eyes would sometimes shift to a dark black and how she was even more irritating then normal. 

"And I told you that I'm completely capable of taking care of  a few Lawless." She said, gesturing to her captive as if to prove her point. "Now can we make this quick? It smells like wet dog." She flared her nostrils in disgust. 

"How'd you find us?" I asked the Lawless who's dark pitless eyes glared up at me as Grace pointed the end of the knife at his throat. "Answer me!" I growled, squeezing my fists. The Lawless started to choke, his face slightly turning purple. 

"He can't answer our questions when you cut off his air supplies!" Grace yelled at me, and I uncurled my fists. He sucked in a deep breath of air panting heavily.

"Why would I tell you? You're just going to kill me." He spat, the tiny peaks of his canine's were poking out from the back of his mouth. 

"Beacuse there's always the slight chance we'll let you go." Grace muttered. "Now talk." She demanded. I stifled a chuckle. "What's so funny?" She glared at me.

"It's nothing." I shook my head, wiping the grin off my face. "But can I ask you a question?"

"Can't this wait, Derek?" She rolled her eyes at me.

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