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Nate POV

"You can trust me." Talia purred, laying her body on top of mine. She slowly started to unbutton my shirt, biting her lip seductively as she licked her lips. 

I grabbed her hands in mine, guiding them away from my shirt. "I can't." I gulped uneasily, pushing back her arms.

"It's because of Katy, isn't it?" She narrowed her eyes at me as she leaned forward so that her breath blew into my face. "But she's so..." She pursed her lips thinking up a witty remark. "boring." She rolled her eyes, tugging on my shirt collar. "I, on the other hand, can be a real animal." Her lips widened into a smile, as she scratched her claws through my shirt ripping it open. Talia pounced on me, slamming her lips against mine, molding her body against my chest. 

I let tempation take over, as I rubbed my hands along Talia's body trying to contain the inner wolf that lashed out inside me.  My inner wolf wanted me with Talia. And deep down inside, I knew Katy wasn't coming back on her own. I might as well make the most out of it. 

It was getting harder and harder to tell the wolf's thoughts from my own. But I was growing tired of fighting it.

Talia unzipped my jeans, slid them off of me and threw them onto the edge of the bed. "You won't be needing those anymores." She giggled into my ear, rubbing her hands along my bare chest. "I'm all you need now."


When  I woke up I was the only one in the bed. I sat up slowly, my body aching as the scratches Talia had inscribed along my back were still healing. I messily shook at my hair, kicking my legs out of the touseled back sheets and over the edge of the bed. I hunched over myself, burying my face into my hands. What happened last night? I struggled to remember, something that happened a lot more recently lately. I rolled out my neck, rubbing my fingers along my temples to calm my burning headache. I bent over slowly, grabbing my jeans that Talia had thrown onto the floor and I pulled them on grunting uneasily as I did so.

"Rough night?" A deep chuckle asked from behind me.

I whipped my head around, as I zipped up my jeans. "That obvious?" I laughed quietly as Troy plopped down onto the bed.

"You two kept me up all night with all the bed squeaking." He laughed, winking at me as he stretched out his body.

"Nothing happened." I grunted, grabbing a shirt that was sprawled out on the floor.

"It's okay, dude." Troy sat up. "I remember my first time." His lips spread into a smile.

I rolled my eyes at him. "This," I gestured around the room. "never happened." I said, trying to make myself clear. "Besides," I added quietly. "it wouldn't be my first time."

"Hold up." Troy sprang forwards, climbing to his feet besides me. "So who was the lucky girl?" He chuckled, elbowing me. I didn't answer as I pulled the shirt on over my head. "It was Katy, wasn't it?" He laughed. "Banging an Enchantress." He sighed loudly. "You and your brother always had a thing for-" I wrapped my fingers around his neck shutting him up.

My claws rose from my fingernails, digging into his skin. "Don't ever talk about my brother." I gritted between my teeth, dropping my him onto the floor.

Troy coughed loudly as he regained his breath. "Geez, man." He muttered rubbing his neck in pain. 

I walked over to my desk, plopping down on the chair as I shuffled through my papers. I ignored all the pcitures of Katy that were messily scattered, some from our time together, and others of her with Jonny. I had cut him out of the pictures and ripped him to shreds.  "You really should get out more." Troy let out a low whistle looking over all my work. I pushed away all my folders, most of them containing more pictures of Katy. "What's this?' He asked, leaning over and picking up a photo on my desk. 

Charmed (Sequel to Enchantress)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن