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Erica POV

"Where did you get that?" Valerie asked scrunching her eyebrows, her eyes widening as she took a step towards me. I shrank backwards into the couch looking towards Chase for some sort of protection. 

"I-I-I" I couldn't find the words, my lip just trembled as my body shook.

"The Lawless came after her, that's why they were in the woods." Chase informed her, keeping his voice low as if trying not to offend me. 

Eric slowly sauntered into the room, clutching an icepack to his badly bruised ankle. He weakly limped over to the couch, leaning against the wall for support as he cursed loudly plopping down besides me. I scooted to the side, as far as I could get from him.  "Nice seeing you again." He winked at me, lifting a diet coke to his lips.

"You know eachother?" Valerie asked, she clearly didn't remember me from her Bayside days. 

"I guess you could say we're friends." Eric smirked, chuckling to himself.

"He practically kidnapped me." I snorted, rolling my eyes clutching the amulet as Valerie eyed it.

"Listen Erica," Quinn's high-pitched voice squeaked as she walked back into the room.  "you have two choices." She pulled out a chair, turned it around and stretched her legs out on either side of it. "You can either give us the amulet, and this will all just be a bad dream."

"And my other choice?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Well," Quinn sucked in a deep breath, sipping a root beer slowly. "I can always try to pry it off of you." Her lips slowly spread into a smile.

"There will be no prying off necklaces." Chase interuppted her.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Why do you care? It's not like she's important." 

I clenched my hands into a fist. I was tired of being used by everyone, looked at like I'm worthless, talked to like I'm an idiot and treated like I'm a little kid. They could care less about my safety. All anyone cared about me these days always invovled the amulet around my neck. "You know I can hear you." I shot back at her.

"Then would you care to explain yourself why the Lawless are after you?" She asked, and everyone in the room turned to face me.

I gulped uneasily, feeling the amulet heat up under my tight grip. "You knew one of them. You said his name...Nial." Chase reminded me.

"Nial?" Quinn choked on her root beer as she started to laugh. "Well doesn't this just keep on getting more interesting! That's her best friend." I noticed how she emphasized the "best". "You sure know how to pick em." She teased.

"Just shut up already." Chase shot back at her. "Can't you see she's scared?" He shouted.

"How am I supposed to be nice when she's holding the one thing that can kill my best friend?" Quinn yelled, standing up.

"Just calm down." Valerie held out her hands innocently. Eric chuckled to himself besides me, entertained by the argument.

"Way to go, Erica." He whispered under his breath taking another sip of his coke. I rolled my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest and folding my legs over eachother. 

"Can I talk to you?" Valerie turned to me as Chase and Quinn argued in the background. My lip quivered as I nodded slowly. "Good." She smiled softly. "Let's go somewhere more quiet." She suggested, walking towards the kitchen in the other room. I stood up slowly, following behind her.

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