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A/N Enjoy! :) I really enjoy writing this story, I just hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Let me know what you think please comment/vote! 


Valerie POV

I had become completely and utterly drunk. And I had to admit, I hadn't had this much fun in ages.

"My turn!" I rasied my shot glass, high in the air messily slipping all over the wood floor. 

"I think you've had enough." Quinn laughed, as Brett trailed his lips along her neck. She lazily pushed him off of her, too dazed from drinking one too many shots. 

 I stuck my tounge out at her. "Now your acting like Chase!" I splurred, no longer able to filter my words.

"Who's Chase?" Owen asked, leaning on me as he tried to pour another shot into my mouth.  

"My Protector." I spat out, unable to stop the words from coming out. Quinn's eyes widened at what I was saying. 

"You're what?" Brett sat up, squinting his eyes at me.

"It's just the vodka getting to her head." Quinn waved it off.

"That's not true!" I argued with Quinn, standing up. "Do you guys want to see some magic?" I asked, biting my lip excitedly.

I raised my hands slightly, aiming for the bowl of cheetos in the center of the floor. "This should be good." His voice sent chills through my spine. making me drop my hands to my sides and stumble a few steps backwards. Quinn gasped, knocking over the bowl of cheetoes and spilling her shot glass all over the floor. 

"Who the hell are you?" Brett asked.

"I"m her Protector." Chase smirked, leaning up against the wall with his hands crossed over his chest. "And someone's been a very naughty girl, haven't you Valerie?" My name tickled across his lips like velvet.

"Her name's Nina." Owen clarified for me, since I myself was at a loss for words.

 "Nina?" He asked, giving me a good look over and chuckling under his breath. My cheeks flamed red, and I scrambled for my shirt that I had thrown onto the floor. He smirked, watching as I frantically pulled it over my head, my heart  beating at a hundred miles per minute. I gulped, my chest rapidly moving up and down as he stared me down. Just by the look he gave me, I knew I was in trouble. Chase dramtically rolled up his sleeves, looking at the watch on his wrist. Flipping his hair to the side for extra effect her cleared his throat and declared, "You have about five minutes to get the hell out of here before I beat the crap out of you." He smiled polietly at everyone in the room. 

"You want to fight?" Brett stood up, Quinn dangled onto his trying to pull him back down. "Don't worry, babe. I can take this douchebag." 

"This should be fun." Chase chuckled, as Brett swung a lazy arm at his face. Chase ducked easily, grabbing Brett's wrist and twisting it behind his back, forcing him to his knees as he yelped in pain. 

"Stop it!" Quinn screeched, pushing Chase backwards so that he released Brett moments before he could snap his arm in half. She panted heavily, looking him over. 

"You better control your boyfriend Quinn. I wouldn't want to hurt you, too." Chase threatened.

"Don't even think-" I started. Chase held up a finger in the air, silencing me.

"Don't worry, you'll get your turn." He promised wtih a wink.

"Just leave them alone." I tried to keep my voice steady.

"Not after I deal with him." Chase stood over Owen, who cowered backwards in fear. 

Owen held up his hands innocently. "Bro, we were just messing around."

Charmed (Sequel to Enchantress)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant