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Thanks for reading :)

And if you've been reading my others stories I've recently put them on hold since I'm mainly trying to focus on this one so that when I get back to them I can spend more time on each chapter so that it's better for you and me! Sorry for the long wait. 



Valerie POV

Quinn took me back to her house after the party, leaving Eric to deal with the mess everyone had created. I felt bad, watching him have to scrape pieces of gum off the wall with a spatula but at the same time I needed the girl time. 

"My Mom's away for a few days on this new article she's working on." Quinn told me as she pushed open the laundry room door, sliding off her jacket and kicking off her heels. Her Mom works for the local newspaper so it wasn't weird for her to sometimes go away for a couple days to interview people and gather information on different stories she was working on. As for Quinn's Dad, he got a divorce from her mom when she was in fifth grade, moved to Conneticut and they haven't heard a word from him since. Because Quinn is usually on her own most of the time, I'd sleepover for several days in a row to keep her company. Which is why stepping inside her house felt like home. Unlike the empty remains of my house, this one hadn't changed. Quinn's poms and cheer photos still lined the walls since she's the only child. And it still smells like pineapples and cinnamon in her kitchen because of her Mom's unhealthy obsession with scented candles. "There's so many things I have to tell you about!" She exclaimed, leading the way into her kitchen. Within the first five seconds of stepping into her home she had already yanked open the fridge and pulled out two glass bowls for the both of us, filling them with Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie icecream, our alltime favorite. I grabbed my bowl and pulled climbed onto one of the stools next to the countertop island in the middle of the kitchen. "It's so weird seeing you here, eating icecream just like oldtimes. It's like you never left." She shivered reliving our past times together.

"It's like things never changed." I smiled, wanting for my words to be true as I messily scooped the chocolate icecream into my mouth. "I feel bad leaving Eric to clean that mess up all by himself." I laughed.

"It's his fault for throwing that stupid party in the first place!" Quinn shrugged. "Want some milk?" She asked, knowing my answer since she already pulled out two glasses for the both of us. I chuckled under my breath, clicking glasses with her. 

"You used to love his parties." I reminded her, wiping off my milk mustache. 

"Because you used to go to all of them with me." She countered.

"I guess I am the life of the party." I bragged jokingly.

"Who can forget those stunts you used to pull with those stupid truth-or-dare games?" She chuckled, and I slapped her playfully.

"Can we not talk about how the entire football team has seen my bare ass?" I laughed.

Quinn covered her hand over her mouth snorting/laughing milk through her nose. I cupped my hand over my mouth, my abs shaking with painful laughter and I threw my hand back gasping for breath. "You're really something, Val." She said once the both of us calmed down from our laughing fit. 

 "So, how are you?" I asked, knowing that I'd never truly be able to make-up the lost time with her. "I mean, what have you been up to?" I corrected myself.  

Quinn sighed loudly. "I have a boyfriend." She smiled shyly.

"Tell me everything!" I giggled, holding both her hands in mine as I squealed happily.

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