Chapter 3: Who are you?

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        I awoke in the same void from my last dream 'Tch, another dream' I said inside my head.

"Or is it?" My eyes widened at the voice I. I Looked behind me and it was the same person, glowing white eyes staring right in to my (Eye Color) ones. When he saw my expression he only smirked. I started 'moving'  backwards from the strange man. He only stood with his arms now crossed.

        "There is no where you can hide, no matter what I can follow you," My movements stopped. I looked at the man and just stared at him, I tried to move, but my body wouldn't let me, but then a thought came to mind,'This is only a dream so he can't hurt me, nor can I feel pain,' He smirked again. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head to the side.

        "Oh I can hurt you. Like you thought before, you think this is a dream when it could be reality, you never know," I went back to my normal state, just standing there for any movement of his. 'Tch, so you can read my mind then,' I smirked. He smirked back at me.

        "Oh of course I can, I'm in your mind!" My smirked became bigger. His eyes widened on what he just said. 'Thanks for telling me this is a dream!' He glared at me and took out an enchanted diamond sword. I didn't make a movement knowing nothing would happen to me. He ran towards me and last minute he smirked.

I jolted awake, eyes widened and sweat on my face. I got off my bed and grabbed my stuff. I dug my way out of the small cave with my stone shovel. I looked outside and saw it just turned morning so some monsters would still be under trees and creepers and enderman won't disapear till noon. I sighed to myself and mentally facepalmed myself aswell, 'I need to head to the village and fast...' So many questions flowed my mind like 'Who was that man' and 'Is he even real?' I saw a small pond as I was walking through the forest, I sighed in relief. 'Maybe a small break won't hurt,' I walked up to the pond and saw my reflection. I gasped, there was a scratch on my face and I only walked for an hour and haven't encountered any monsters. (They all died/disappeard) 'How did I get this scratch?!' Then something came to mind, 'What if... It wasn't a dream?' You see he had a sword and you remebered before you woke up he slashed the sword right on the same spot on your cheek. You became worried, but soon forgot about it as soon as you washed your face and walked around to see the nature around you.

        "Mitch, I don't think were gonna find anything..." Said a tired yet loud voice. I got startled I heard it coming from the direction behind me. I looked behind me nothing was there,'They must be a little far away. Ugh, me and my good hearing!' I got my stuff and climbed up in the trees.

        "Don't worry Biggums we'll find something," said another voice, I recall hearing his name was 'Mitch.' I found a big tree and decided to hide up there for the time being so I can see what the two are up to.

        "But I'm booooooooooored!" Whined I recall his name was 'Biggums.' 'What an odd name...' After a while I saw figures walking right where I used to be. I heard a gasp, I payed even more close attention. The figure ran up a cliff and started parkouring the trees.

"Biggums, wait I wanna play too!" The other figure instantly went up the hill and started parkouring the said person. 'Heh, now I can see what they look like,' I saw that one of them had red and black checkered hood with a golden necklace around his neck. Fair skin and maple brown hair with jeans and redish black converse. 'Fan of red and black much' I sweat dropped at the thought. Then I looked at the other guy. He was a very fluffy creature with a lot of... hair or is it fur? And had a fancy suit with a red tie, he also had black shoes, I couldn't make up the product he had though.

I lost track of them later on, but could still hear their voices. I had to wait a little longer. 'This is wasting a bunch of my time' I thought to myself. I stepped back to relax of the tree when I tripped and stepped on one of the twigs, I made a small gasp, but not as loud as most people could hear it. I heard all the jumping stop,'Did they hear me fall?!'

"Mitch did you hear that?!" Biggums asked. 'Great, so they did hear me'

"Yeah I think it came from up there," my eyes widened 'Cr*p, I think they found my hiding spot, well atleast I got enough information about them!' I went through my inventory quickly 'For the love of Notch, where is my enderpear- Oh' I could hear them coming closer and I think I could hear them breathing. I got out two just in case I missed or fell in a ravine or something 'Just hope I hit a pond or something in water' I can feel sweat rolling down my face. I threw the enderpearl as far as I can and before I teleported I could here one of them say "An enderpearl?!" after that I teleported and spawned near a river.

        "Oww..." I said out loud, but not loud enough to be heard. I rubbed by back while getting up. I looked around to see what was around me, the good news was I was about a hundred blocks away from where I was from before so they wouldn't be coming for me for about another hour or so. But the real question was should I parkour up in the trees or should I walk on the ground? 'If I parkour up in the trees I could see where I am and see if they are close, but they would also see me, but if I stay on ground it would be harder for see me, but they could ambush me and I could easily lose them...' I tapped my chin walking back and forth the same way. 'I guess I'll just parkour the trees,' I went up to the trees. But before I parkoured I took out my map and looked at sky, I sighed and said,'Afternoon, but I still have about another day until I get to the village...'

After about an hour of walking I got out of the forest, I looked back at the map I had in hand, I sighed in relief,'That was quicker than I thought, Just about an hour away!' I smile to myself. I start walking I looked at the sky it was getting dark. I ate food and started sprinting,'Ugh I'll just run the rest of the way there!'

-Insert epic running and epic montage music here-

After about an hour of non stop running I finally got to the village, but when I got closer I saw that they were being attack by mobs. I immeditially took out my sword and ran towards the mobs. I attacked about fifteen of the mobs before my hunger gone low and I began to slow down, I was looking through my inventory for food or something that was eatable! As I was trying to fish out on something to eat, a creeper was walking right behind me quietly, not being noticed by anyone except for the mobs. 'Tch, stupid hunger slowing me do-' before I could finish the creeper started hiss. My eyes widened, everything started to go slow motion, I looked behind me and before I could see the creeper I saw the explosion hit my face. Everything went back to its normal speed, but it was hard for me to hear and everything was blurry. Mobs started to surround me. I stayed calm, but deep within me was saying, 'Am I gonna die?!' But I ignored the thought. I was on the floor looking at the grass,'I guess I will end my moments looking at the sky...' I rolled on to my back and stared up at the sky, my eyes widened.'My Notch, this must be my lucky day,' the sun was beginning to come up, I saw all the mobs beginning to burn and the neutral mobs stopping their movements and going somewhere else and the creepers disappearing. I got up back on my feet, and went to my inventory to see if I had any food left, I sighed in relief. I only had a piece of chicken left, a couple of apples, and two pieces of steak. I took out the two pieces of steak and a apple and devoured them. I walked around the village,'Now where is that library,' after about what seemed a centary of searching I finally found the library, which was on the left side of the where I was standing in the first place. I walked inside only to fall and collaspe into a world of darkness and unknown at the front door of some villagers house.

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