Chapter 25: the trampoline park

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Third person's POV

Time was flying fast. The YouTubers had a few days before departing from the red head and his huge mansion and wouldn't see each other for quite a while, since a lot of them lived far away from eachother, so they had to do one more thing fun together before separating.

And so that's what they were going to do, since nagisa had wished to go to a trampoline park together for another collab, that's what the whole crew was going to do today!

Karma, being karma, had rented out the trampoline park for the whole day, for quite a lot, and so the YouTubers would have the place to themselves for the whole day, meaning they could have all the fun they want.

Right now, all the YouTubers are preparing to leave, most of them sitting in the lounge, waiting for Kaeda and Kanzaki to finish off putting on the rest of their makeup, geez how long does it take them?!?

Finally, the two girls come strutting in, taking a seat on a nearby couch and everyone was ready at last.

"Thank god, look what the cat dragged in, finally you guys are ready" maehara said, sweatdropping as the two girls made their way to the couch.

"We didn't take that long you ass" Kaeda shouted as she flipped him off.

"Well is everyone here then?" Nagisa questioned, scanning the room to see that everyone was in fact here and ready to make their way to the trampoline park.

"YEP!" Everyone screamed in unison, jumping up from their seats and making their way to the entrance of the mansion, and into the large mini bus that karma had.

"So, your little request is finally coming true" karma said, glancing over to the small blunette who was in the passenger's seat, while the red head drove to their unknown location.

"I guess so" Nagisa said while scratching the side of his cheek "I'm just happy we all get to do something enjoyable together"

"You're too kind nagi, you could of used that request to your advantage" karma sighed, looking foreword to the road.

And for the rest of the journey, all the YouTubers had chatted away to each other, setting up their go pros onto themselves and checking if all their cameras were in a good condition and able to record, after 20 minutes, the YouTubers had arrived at the trampoline park.

One by one, each of them had exited the mini bus and entered the trampoline park, they were all ushered into a room by the people who worked there, where they would watch a safety video, however when the video was playing, isogai, maehara, karma and Rio couldn't help but to giggle and make stupid comments when something 'funny' happened.

Once the 5 minute video was over, all the YouTubers had locked most of their shoes in a locker, turned on their cameras and entered the trampoline park, where they wouldn't spend their whole day.

"So, since we're here for the whole day, how about we play a few games" Rio smirked, oh no Rio is smirking, that cannot be good.

"What games?" Okuda questioned, bouncing on a small square trampoline which was next to the group.

"How about hide and seek tag, this place is huge after all" Sugino suggested, which most people agreed with since it sounded like fun.

"Okay I want to be it first!" Kaeda shouted, waving her hand in the air.

"Alright, I'm not complaining with that" maehara said, sticking his thumbs up.

"Okay then, let's play!" Kaeda screamed and turned her back, starting her count as the other YouTubers found a hiding spot to conceal themselves.

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