Chapter 21: the planning

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Third person's POV

All YouTubers we're gathered in the lounge once again, as the usual, they were bored. Most of them had finished recording their videos for the day and editing was not a problem as it didn't take anyone too long.

Nagisa sighed as he nuzzled into Karma abit more, the Red Devil having his arm around his waist so he wouldn't let nagisa go.

Everyone else tried to do activities to take their mind off the boredom lurking in the atmosphere, however nothing seemed to work.

"Ok, we're all bored again..." maehara plainly stated, causing everyone to nod in agreement.

"Well what can we do?" Kanzaki asks, making everyone stare at nagisa, who normally comes up with good ideas for everyone to do.

"Uhhh....why is everyone staring at me?Did I do something wrong?" Nagisa says, pointing a finger to himself in confusion.

"Nagisaaa, you always make up good ideas in this situation, can you think of anything we can do?" Kaeda whined, she was acting like a child.

"well I did have this idea in mind but..."

"JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY WILL YA!" Rio screamed, causing the blunette to squeak and jump further into karma's arms, earning a chuckle from the red headed devil.

"Well, I was going to ask you guys if you wanted to celebrate the New Years and maybe go to a festival tomorrow night, so today we could go shopping and maybe buy things we need, like kimonos, drinks and snacks for tomorrow"

"Oh yeh, I totally forgot about New Years" isogai said, looking up in the air like he was lost in thought.

"So what do you say, should that be our plans? I heard that there's a festival 30 minutes away from where we live which will be commencing tomorrow night." Asano said, whipping out his phone and showing everyone the location of the festival.

"Sure, we can all have fun and wear some cool kimonos!" Karma said

And so everyone got ready to head down to the shopping centre where they would search around for anything they would need for tomorrow.

"Guys look, a kimono shop!" Kaeda squeaked, clinging onto both Rio and okuda as she practically dragged them into the kimono shop she spotted.

"I guess we're going in there then!" Nagisa giggled, causing the rest to chuckle at the three girls who were already making their way to the shop.

As they made their way in, they were instantly greeted with a pretty woman with long, black hair, tied up into a bow on the back of her head. She was wearing a pale pink kimono with blue and yellow Sakura petals near the bottom of it, a smile never leaving her face.

She greeted us all with a smile and ushered us to all have a look, telling us that if we want to try it on to go into the changing rooms and help will be on the way.

Inside the shop, was beautiful kimono's and cheongsam styles outfits perfect for the occasion of tomorrow night, each was decorated beautifully and sorted into colours so it would be easy as to which colour you would want your outfit in.

"Have you found any you like?" Kanzaki asked sugino, still looking around to find the perfect kimono for her taste.

"No not really, nothing has sparked my interest just yet, I'm sure I'll find one though" he replied, scanning through the endless amounts of robes.

"Karma would suit this one!" Maehara said, pulling out a red kimono with black skulls on, causing everyone to laugh.

"It doesn't seem too bad actually, however I'd rather not waste this opportunity to get something I'll actually enjoy wearing..." karma said, sounding quite irritated at the joke, maybe due to maehara's stupidity.

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