Chapter 22: the new years festival

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Third person's POV

The day was the 31st of December and all the money they had wasted on cheongsam suits and kimonos would finally be put to use for one good day! New Years!

One by one, all the YouTubers had woken up and made their way to the kitchen to get some things to eat, but not too much as there would be a lot of food at the festival today. After that, they had all promised the night before to meet up in the lounge to discuss what their plans were for today.

"So, as you know it's New Year's Eve and we will be going to the festival tonight, we will be leaving for about 3:00 and having a huge collaboration again, so take your blogging cameras" karma said

"Is that it?

"Yeh basically" karma says, shrugging while leaning back in his chair.

"So what's the time now?" Okuda said, raising her hand slightly to gain the attention of the people in the room.

"1:00 exactly! So we should all start getting dressed, the festival starts in two hours!" Isogai said, pointing at the clock at the wall.

As soon as most of the girls heard isogai say that sentence, most of them leaped out from their seats, darting to the doors and up the stairs in order to start getting ready, hoping to look their best for the festival.

Without warning, Rio came back into the lounge, grasping nagisa's wrist and pulling him away from the ones left in the lounge.

"Don't worry, I'm just gonna doll you up for the festival, you don't mind that do you karma?" She said while smirking at the red head, unaware of the struggling blunette who didn't really comply with rio's suggestions.

"Go right ahead, aslong as you don't make him too cute, I don't want other boys going after him~" he says, giving a wink towards nagisa, causing him to turn the same shade as his hair.
It's been almost a week since they started dating and nagisa couldn't help but to still get flustered at karma's comments.

And so all the girls' and nagisa of course, decided to crowd in Kaeda's room to get ready, first putting on their kimono's or cheongsam dresses and doing their hair. Kaeda decided to curl nagisa's hair for him and place two cheongsam buns on his head to make him extra cute. After that, most of the girls did their makeup, nothing too dramatic but enough to make them more pretty than the most of them where. Rio also insisted in nagisa wearing abit of makeup so Kanzaki had put some mascara and highlighter on his cheeks.

Once the girls had finished getting ready,  the time was 2:30, so they would all have to meet up back in the lounge soon before they set off so they all put their shoes on before okuda text karma to see if the guys were all ready.

Okuda: hey are you guys all ready? Me and the girls (and nagisa lol) have finished getting dressed

Karma: yeh we're all ready, we're waiting for you guys to come down. Tell nagisa I'll be waiting~ >;)

As soon as she read the text, she told all the girls the situation and what they should do.

"Karma said all the guys are ready so we should make our way to the lounge now since we're going to set off soon" she said, causing all the girls to get up and walk out the door "oh and nagisa-"

She poked nagisa on the shoulder, causing him to turn around and face okuda, only to realise that she was leaning close to his ear.

"Karma said he'll be waiting" she said while smiling sweetly, making the blunette blush at her's and karma's comment.

All the girls soon made their way down to the lounge as all the boys waiting patiently, most of them were dressed in cheongsam suits except for isogai and maehara, who's decided that they should have matching kimonos.

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