Chapter 14: the confession(part 2)

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Karma's POV

Wait...I need to meet nagisa soon

That thought crossed my mind as I started up at the old clock in the lounge. Nagisa said to meet him alone at the balcony...but why.

I rush out of the lounge and into my room, hoping I looked the least bit presentable for nagisa, after all I really do love him.

It took me a while before realising the time, I was too busy sorting my fringe to realise that is was 8:55pm, I should be there in 5 minutes, shit!

Quickly, I race out of my room, forcefully slamming the door behind me and running through the maze of a house up the the top floor, there I open the door to the balcony and see the most beautiful angel, waiting for me.

"Karma, you came...thank goodness" he said, a light tinge of pink dusted his cheeks nicely as his blue pony tails danced in the wind. He was looking back at me with those mesmerising azure eyes which I could look into for days, he was the definition of perfect.

My heart was pounding so hard, I didn't even realise that I had froze in place. I quickly snapped out of my daze to see that he had prepared something up here, there was a red blanked which had been placed on the floor, next to a few gifts which had been wrapped so elegantly.

"Of course I would come, I could never reject you" I say while walking foreword, comforting his worried mind, I saw his expression soften abit as a little smile crept up onto his face.

"Well, how about we both sit down?" He said, nervously scratching the back of his head while signalling for me to join him on the blanket.

An awkward silence filled the atmosphere as we both silently stare into the night sky, nagisa was playing with his fingers in an attempt to distract his mind from something.

The silence had to be broken, so I'll make the first move...

"So nagisa, why did you invite me up here alone?" I said, grinning in his direction which caused him to blush.

"Well...I-uh" he took a deep breath, like he was mentally preparing himself for something.

"Well, a few things actually, that I've been wanting to tell you..."he tilted his head to the side "so just at least stay,ok?"

"Of course nagisa, I'd never leave you" I say soothingly as I rub the top of his head.

He smiles a beautiful smile which I just couldn't get enough of and turns to his side to grab a two presents, one which was small and the other which was quite big.

"First, I wanted to give these to you separately, a birthday present to you...happy birthday karma!"

He knows my birthday? But I didn't even tell him....god who knows how he found out but still..something about this makes me extremely happy.

" really didn't need to you know" I say, however all I earned was a finger on my lip and an adorable blunette shaking his head violently.

"Don't say that! Today's a special day for you, so go on open your presents" he says, while removing his finger.

I didn't hesitate to do exactly what he said and slowly, I unravel the ribbon and the red wrapping which was around the first present to reveal, a tiramisu?

" Rio told me that it was your favourite cake, so when I had the time, I made one for you" he says while looking to the side, blushing slightly.

How can someone be so hot and cute at the same time and not even be trying to do so.

"Thank you nagisa, but I can't eat all this by myself you know, you're going to have to share it with me" I say while placing down the cake and grabbing the second present, which was much smaller than the first.

I take my time unwrapping this one, something gives me the feeling that this one is more special than the last one. I place the red wrapping to the side and open the small box, only to reveal a silver chained necklace, with a blue gem in the middle of it, it reminded me of nagisa so much.

"Do you like it, I thought we could match". The blue boy says while revealing a silver chain on his neck, but instead of a blue gem it was a red one.

Without hesitation, I pull the blunette into a warm hug, not long after he hugs back while clinging onto my shirt.

"I love it...thank you" I say, tears pricking my eyes as I stare at the necklace in my hand, an overflowing sensation filling my body.

We let go from hugging each other, which was disappointing but I knew he wasn't finished there with what he had planned as he said he had a few things to tell me.

"Was that the only reason you asked me to come up here, or was there something else?" I ask, only for him to blush in reply as he felt his heart.

"Y...yes there is.." he stuttered adorably "but we have to wait a second first!"

"What why-"

My voice was cut of by a huge explosion of vibrant colours in the sky, followed my another and another.

A firework show, how did he have all this planned so perfectly?

I turned to nagisa's direction, only to realise that he had been starting at me the whole time while I watched the fireworks go off. Soon enough, we were both staring into each others eyes, leaning closer slowly before nagisa stops himself.


"What is it?" I look up, disappointed that he had stopped leaning closer towards me, I was so desperate to kiss those soft, pink lips of his.

"There's something I need to get off my chest.."

"Ok, tell me whenever you're ready.."

He hesitates first, but soon my dreams would come true..

"The truth is...ever since I first met you on the discord server, you always stood out to me, you were always there for me, you never judged me for who I was and you cared for me..."

He paused and took a breath.

"When I found out I could finally meet you, I was overwhelmed with such a feeling I've never had before, I was so confused at first, but after being here and spending time with you...I've realised what these feelings are"

He takes another shaky breath, hesitating if he should say what he was going to say, but brought up the courage to say it.

"Karma...I-I...I love you...more than anything or anyone, and I just though you should know that, it's ok if you don't accept my feelings, I just wanted you to-"

I cut him off by placing my hand on his cheek, lifting his head up so he could face me.

Without hesitation, I brought my face up to his and slowly joined our lips together, connecting us both with a sweet, passionate kiss.

This feeling, the only words I could use to describe it was pure friend, my crush, my whole purpose in life, has admitted their love for me...this was heaven.

After about 30 seconds, I pull away from the kiss, smiling a genuine smile and placing my hand back onto his cheek.

"Thank goodness nagisa...I love you too, so much, more than anything in the world"

This caused his to widen his eyes as tears pricked his eyes, threatening to spill if he blinked his eyes. He smiled a beautiful smile before hugging me tightly and looking up to my face, only for us to connect our lips together again and have a much more passionate kiss for about a minute.

"So then, nagisa, we need to make this official!" I say

"What do you mean?" Nagisa tilts his head in confusion

"Nagisa, will you be my boyfriend?"

" of course I will!"

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