Chapter 2: the party

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(Nagisa's POV)

I slowly woke from my deep sleep as I rubbed my eyes , scanning my room before grabbing my phone to check some notifications on discord, it was the group chat..jeez how long were Rio and kaeda on for?!

Still half asleep, I click not discord to see who was online, to my surprise they all were and in a voice call, maybe they were discussing a video?

Nagisa"hey guys, is it ok if I join the call?"

Rio:"nagisa, finally, you're awake!"

Isogai:"yeh sure join the call, we got some news!"

News? I sit up in my bed, wondering what would be so important so I fixed my hair and joined the call

"Hi guys" I exclaimed, still half asleep, resting my phone on a pillow infront of me

"Nagisa you're here! Finally I was wondering when you were going to wake up" Kaeda said, she was always so cheery, even in mornings, just how much energy did she have?!

"Well karma's got news and wouldn't tell us until you arrived in the chat, so thank god you woke up earlier than you usually do" Rio said, half bored from the wait. Rio was a good friend of mine who always tries to get me to crossdress when doing truth or dare, I don't really mind it but she's quite the devil in disguise.

"So what's the news karma?" Isogai practically shouted, he was always so loud, it was almost annoying, but he's our friend so we just let him be himself.

"Well.." karma paused, karma's been my best friend and someone I look up to ever since I met him in that chat and I'm not going to lie, I do have a tiiiiiny crush on him but it's nothing too much, he's probably straight anyway.

"I hit 10million subscribers!!"

"OH MY GOD WELL DONE KARMA" we all screamed at the camera, some even clapping for him, I already knew he hit 10 mil but I just didn't want to ruin the moment

"And that's not all...since I have like, a rich family and a huge ass house,"

"We know now spill the tea!" Rio screamed

"Ok,ok, so basically I'm inviting a whole bunch of YouTubers to my house in order to celebrate and they get to stay there for a few days, and you're all invited!"

"WAIT REALLY" I screamed, I'd never met karma before in person so this was a surprise to me

"Yep, I can finally meet all of you while doing some sick ass collabs"

Instantly, kaeda rose from her gaming chair and ran down the stairs, there was an awkward silence in the chat with a few questions of "wait where'd she go?" Until we hear a few footsteps coming back up the stairs to see a very tired kaeda running in with a suitcase, wait was she going to start packing already?!

"Wait hold on I have so many questions" isogai exclaimed, he's the type to worry quite abit

"When are we going? Will we need anything? How long are we staying for? What do we need to pay for so I can get this all prepared?"

I turned my volume up on my phone, this was going to be vital information

"You're coming here in a weeks time, I've sent your tickets to your addresses and they will be arriving in the post tomorrow, you will be staying for as long as you please but the maximum will be one month unless I say otherwise, and bring your money just incase you want to buy something"

"Jeez one month, guess I'm bringing my gaming set up!" I say, the realisation still hasn't hit me that it was one week

"WAIT A WEEK!?" We all screamed in unison, this made kaeda faster than before, grabbing all the clothes she owned and shoving them into multiple suitcases, she was such a worrier.

"Jeez kaeda calm down, we still have a few days" Rio nervously scratched the back of her head, still trying to calm down the over excited kaeda.

"Wait can we take pets?" I asked

Yes I have a pet, I have a snake who's blue just like me! I couldn't leave him behind for a few weeks, he would go hungry and lonely, and that would break my heart.

"Wait nagisa you have a pet?!" Kaeda squealed, finally stopping in her place and putting all the clothes she had in her hands down to listen

"Yeh I have a snake! You didn't know?"

"NO!" They all screamed at me through the webcam, eager to see my pet snake

"Can we see it?" Karma asked, I couldn't refuse karma, I had to show him my snake

"Sure, hold on a second!" I run off my bed to fetch my snake, grabbing him out of his container and placing him around my neck, letting him slither around my arm so his head rested on my hand.

"This is Diablo!" I put my hand closer to the screen to see everyone widen their eyes in shock or fear.

"Wow so cool!" Isogai screamed, deafening my ears
"D-does it bite?" Kaeda stuttered, she must be afraid of snakes
"No he's perfectly fine and friendly!"
"Yep well you're definitely taking Diablo to my house!" Karma shouted, wow he must be a fan of snakes.

"Yay" I smiled happily, letting Diablo unravel himself from under my arm and slither around my body, now resting his head on my shoulder.

I was so excited, that I didn't realise that everyone needed to leave the chat to create daily content for their channels, so we all say our byes and hang up.

One week, and I would meet my 'friend', karma akabane, I was so nervous...

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