I Love Your Voice

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Thorin: "Very well.We will do it your way."

Bilbo: "No, no."

Thorin: "Give him the contract."

I whispered to Thorin.

Me: "Love, do you think he has anything in this place that can make this blasted headache to go away."

Thorin: "He might."

He turned to Bilbo.

Thorin: "Mr.Baggins, before you read the contract.Do you have something that can cure a headache? Katherine's head hurts."

Bilbo: "Oh, yes.Be right back."

Balin: "Are you ok, lassi?"

I smiled.

Me: "Yes,but there are positive and negative traits that come with being half elf.And having sensitive hear is a blessing and curse."

Bilbo came back with a minted smelling tea.I happily took it.

Me: "Thank you."

He nods then looks over the contract.

Balin: "It's just the usual.Summary of out-of-pocket expenses...time required,remuneration...funeral arrangements,so forth."

Thorin takes the contract and gives it to Bilbo,then he starts talking to Gandalf.

Bilbo: "Funeral arrangements?"

Bilbo walks to the hall reading the contract.While he did that I listened to Thorin and Gandalf's conversation.

Thorin: "I cannot guarantee his safety."

Gandalf: "Understood."

Thorin: "Nor will I be responsible for his fate."

Gandalf: "Agreed."

I saw both of them look at me before going back to talking.

Thorin: "How did you find, Kat?"

Gandalf: "She wasn't easy to find.Believe me.But she has her own little cottage just outside of Bree.It appears she builds herself a little cottage wherever she rest when she was trying to find you."

Thorin: "Thank you, for finding her and bringing her back into my life."

Gandalf: "You are most welcome."

We all looked at Bilbo, who fainted after Bofur told him about the fire of Smaug.


While Gandalf and Bilbo talked I was with Thorin and Balin.My arms wrapped around Thorin's waist while he had his left arm around me.

Balin: "How's your head, lassi?"

Me: "Better."

Thorin: "You always did hate headaches."

Me: "Because it makes you stop thinking and plus it hurts when you try to think."

I smiled and kissed his cheek.I looked and saw Bilbo walking away.

Balin: "It appears we have lost our burglar.Probably for the best."

We looked at him.

Balin: "The odds were always against us.After all, what are we? Merchants, miners..tinkers, toy-makers.Heh, heh.Hardly the stuff of legend."

Me: "There are a few warriors amongst us."

Balin: "Old warriors."

Thorin: "I would take each and every one of these Dwarves..over an army from the Iron Hills.For when I called upon them,they answered.Loyalty,honor..a willing heart.I can ask no more than that."

Me: "You were always great with speeches, love."

He smiled then kissed my head.

Balin: "You don't have to do this.You have a choice.You've done honorably by our people.You have built a new life for us in the Blue Mountains.A life of peace and plenty.A life that is worth more than all the gold in Erebor."

I knew it was not so simple for Thorin nor I to let go of our home,the same home we pictured raising our future children in.

Thorin: "From my grandfather to my father, this has come to me."

He holds up the key.

Me: "It's hard for us to give that up Balin.We share the same dream."

Thorin: "They too dreamt of the day when the Dwarves of Erebor would reclaim their homeland."

Me: "There is no choice, Balin.Not for us."

Balin: "Then we are with you both.We will see it done."


We gathered around the fire with me sitting down on the couch while my love stands.
I hear him start humming.

Thorin: Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep

And caverns old

We must away

'Ere break of day

To find our long-forgotten gold


The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light

After awhile everyone went to sleep except me and Thorin.We were cuddling on the couch.

Me: "I always did love your voice."

He chuckled.

Thorin: "You will be riding with me in the morning."

I looked at him and smiled,then I kissed his lips.

Me: "I wouldn't want to ride with anyone besides you."

We talked until we fell asleep.

Thorin's Lost Love(Thorin Oakenshield love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon