Chapter 15

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The pain had numbed her and then she fell into darkness, suddenly there was light and she saw her mom, who had passed away before she visited Stella. Stella looked at her mother who suddenly looked young again.

"Come on deary, we will both walk in together."

"Mom, I'm scared!" Stella Exclaimed.

"I know It will all be okay."

Stella began to walk over to her mother and every step she took Stella became younger and younger. Suddenly she felt a pull that the doctors were trying to bring her back.

"Mom it hurts what do I do?"

"That's up for you to decide. Just know I am right here for whatever you may decide." Her mom said.

Stella looked through a peephole on what was going on to her body and the people around her. "They're trying to bring me back." she paused. "Mom this hurts so much will it end?"

"Yes, dear whichever choice you decide the pain will stop."

"I want to go with you!" Stella started walking towards her mom again and the last pull brought Stella back. She gasped for life and started crying.

"We got a pulse!" one doctor assured. Everybody had calmed down afterward.

"Was that a dream or was I really dead?" Stella asked in her head. She liked seeing her mom one more time. "Now I have to go to a mental hospital and suffer seeing my friends go away," she thought as tears rolled down her cheek.

The doctors were trying everything they could to see why she almost had died. Every test run didn't make any sense or it came back negative. She stayed in a hospital for a few more weeks to see what was going wrong. She wouldn't have been released until they had their answer.

Day and night Stella Kept on dreaming that It would happen again and actually work this time around. She didn't want to be in a mental hospital because she wasn't crazy. She didn't know how to prove otherwise.


Authors Note:

Sorry for the short chapter but I don't know what to write. If anybody has an Idea Please write in the comment section.

Micheal Jackson Found, Not Dead?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum