chapter 16

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weeks went by which turn into months and Stella had no one come by to visit her in the hospital. She felt lonely and didn't know what to do. She doesn't even remember why she screamed that. Maybe it was because she had the proof and that Jackie and Michael kept getting into her mind.
A nurse walked in and told Stella she could go now. The police escort came and grabbed Stella into the new home she was about to go in she was welcomed by two supervisors and brought her into the room.
The room was covered in greenish/yellowish color. She had a twin-sized bed with a desk and two dressers. The dressers were filled with brand new clothing. She wasn't going to have any access to the Internet because they feared she would get out. The last time she was there she was 8 years old and always snuck out.
She was showing the living room, the dining hall, the music room, and the cafeteria. The place has grown a lot since she was last there.
They told her to wash up and that lunch was starting soon she headed to the showers and was visited by a long lost friend.
"Stella... Is that you?" Jade said
"Yep, how are you, Jade"
"Good, good. how about you"
"Well I'm back here so I'm not that good I will talk to you later I have to shower"
Jade was always the bad influence of stealing from jewelry stores, hacking bank accounts, and would harm others. She even murdered her brother in his sleep because he ate the last cookie. She didn't believe she was doing anything wrong she had a bad mental disorder. She had a good personality behind the thieving. She and Stella clicked when they were young.
Jade isn't allowed to leave the mental hospital because then she would go to jail for sure. Jade told Stella that they could talk at lunch and that she would see her there.
later that evening Stella had told Jade everything that had led her to come back and how fun it was in the outside world. Jade bit into her grilled cheese while listening.
"So when you have intercourse with Jackie did you cut him till he bled," Jade Asked in hopes it was a yes. She was disappointed when Stella lifted her eyebrow.
"Remind me not to get on to your bad side," Stella said with a laugh. "No, I'm not murderous." Stella began eating her food.
"Sorry for being fun," Jade said with a smirk. She finished her food and went into her room along with Stella.
Stella lay down onto her bed and started thinking about all the stuff she did and how horrible it was. She wanted to apologize to both Jackie and Michael she even wanted to apologize to Chloe for getting back into the mental hospital when she promised her that she wouldn't.
"Maybe it's for the best this way." She said. "At least this way no one can harm me and no one can harm Michael." She then fell asleep and had dreamt of her mother.

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