Chapter 13 The Court

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weeks went by and Stella made it to court. She had a really amazing lawyer, the lawyer never pushed Stella to tell her anything and she covered Stella's background to find information about her past and why she started drugs in the first place.

While the courtroom adjourned everybody stood up as the judge came walking in the room to take her seat. The judge had a funny looking white wig that men used to wear in the 1800s. She was a pasty white color, pretty much like Casper maybe even lighter.

Once everybody seated the judge started talking as Stella started drifting away. She was thinking about the mall with her and Chloe. They went window shopping in South Park Mall. They both bought $2,000 worth of items.
"Just another day into a girl's life," Stella thought.

Stella came back to and heard her name being called, and was asked to go up to the stand. She then walked over to the stand and was ready to be asked the questions they were going to be thrown at her.

The other lawyer was asking her a bunch of personal questions such as; "Did you have a baby? "how long have you and Jackie been dating?" etc. nothing bad to be asked.

Then her lawyer came up and asked for her background info to have the courtroom knowing why she's been doing drugs at such an early age.

Her reply was "My dad always took me to the hospital to get me drugs, because in his mind he thought he was taking care of me, but in reality, it was hurting me. I thought after he went to jail for child abuse I would stop taking them, but I felt so weak I couldn't move without the drugs. I kept taking them so I could continue to breathe and feel healthy.

After that, she was done on the stand. She sat down in her chair then the judge asked for any more witnesses. The other lawyer stood up and said "Jackie Jackson to the stand."

Jackie stood from where he was sitting to go to the stand. He looked clueless on why he was up there he didn't do anything wrong. He started thinking "This is for Stella, not me." He sat on the stand as the lawyers asked him his questions. Most of the questions were; Did you know she was a hypochondriac? and did you know she was pregnant? Questions piled and did not look good for Stella.

Her lawyer then went up to the stand and asked "Did you think she was scared to tell you? I mean you guys did just start dating.

"Yes I believe she was and to be honest I don't blame her. Especially on how we started dating. She has every right not to tell me about those things because I have the right not to tell her about my flaws." Jackie said while looking at Stella was a concerned look on his face.

Jackie was asked to leave the sand and go back to his seat. He was nervous for Stella, as Jackie was walking back to his seat her and Jackie kept their eye contact.

Stella looked at the judge, then at the jury, and then at her lawyer. Her lawyer gave her a warming smile to get her to calm down so Stella didn't feel as stressed. She smiled looking up at the ceiling and putting good pictures in her head so she can cheer up.

Micheal Jackson Found, Not Dead?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz