Chapter 3 - Sex

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   Stella hated how Chloe treated her yesterday. She wanted Chloe to get hurt for what she said last night. Then Stella calmed down and tried to understand why she did it.

   "She was drunk and maybe she didn't see what I saw. It did look like him and I know for sure it was him. He even visited his own funeral. It was an open casket and that wasn't even him. He also did say that people wanted to hurt him so it makes sense why he went into hiding" Stella thought.

   "Now how do I prove to my friends and family that it's the real Micheal Jackson without getting him in trouble?"

   Stella's phone started ringing and it startled her as the phone dropped out of her back pocket onto the floor. There were no scratches and then the phone stopped ringing and on the other line you heard;

   "Hello is this Chloe?" Said the unknown person.

   Stella picked up the phone and replied.

   "Yeah, this is her."

   Stella didn't know what she was doing. She knew she wanted Chloe to get hurt so whoever this was she could send a message.

   "Who is this?" Stella replied.

   "Hi you never asked for my name but you gave me your number last night. Boy u really knew what you were doing. I wanted that round 2 you promisee and maybe a date?" The man asked nervously.

   "Sure thing come over to my penthouse. It's on elkwood w. 234. My penthouse is on 981." Chloe said.

   "I'll be there."  The unknown man said.

  They hung up, Stella didn't even know who the guy was but figured it was one of Chloe's pity sex dates.

   "She won't be too mad at me."

Stella decided to get ready for "round 2" by dying her hair blonde and putting makeup on. She put red sheets on her bed and put scents and candles around her room to get the stench of regret out of her room.

   Minutes later she heard the knock on the door from the unknown man. She opened the door with a smile on her face. The guy smiled too.

  "Hey, wanna come in before you wanna touch me? Go sit on the couch." Stella demanded.

   "Ok," the man said.

   "So tell me about yourself like what's your name?" Stella shouted. While Stella walked out of the room to take her messy bun out into her straight, long, blonde hair.

   "My name is Jackie Jackson, I just moved here and I just have been bored for a while so I wanted to try something new."

   "Is that something new to me?"

   "Possibly not sure yet."

   "What does that mean? Haha." Stella asked

   Stella came back into the room and she had come in with a sexy red dress that had bows on where her nips should be. One pull from that and she would be completely exposed. So to say it's not a sturdy dress and she picked out a good one.

   "Woah" Jackie looked at Stella eyeing her down "shit" he was excited but also embarrassed because he was caught staring. His face blew up peach red.

   "I bet you're happy haha."

   "Fuck man" Jackie stood up and placed his lips onto hers and put his hands onto her but and pulls back onto the couch.

   Then Stella had told him that the room would be better. Stella took him into the room where it smelled like oceans.

   "wow, you really do like to outdo yourself."

   Stella then took Jackie by the arms and pulled him onto the bed so he would be on top of her.

   They continued kissing and then Jackie slid his fingers down her breast, grabbed and squeezed it.

  He then proceeded to go down onto her leg, which made Stella have a soft moan. He then stacked two fingers inside her. Then rapidly started fingering, making Stella moan and pant a little louder.

   Stella had started taking off his belt and wrapped it around his free hand and tied the other part to her hand.

   Jackie's pants had fallen off on its own then Stella made her free hand and touched his underwear and prying it off.

   He then took his dick and shoved it in her, while they were fucking Stella started playing with his balls which made Jackie moan really fucking load.

   Jackie had taken his dick out by accident, which gave Stella her chance to push him back. She wrapped her arm around the belt and went around him so her back was facing his front. Then she started grinding on him for a little bit.

   After teasing him with that, then by accident, the belt fell off on both of their hands.

   Jackie then pushed Stella on the bed allowing him to do doggy style, he grabbed her hair and spanked her as he was fucking her. They both were moaning really loud.

   Jackie pulled out as he squirted on the floor. They both got dressed then Stella cleaned it up with a paper towel. Making sure she had gotten every drop.

   Jackie had on insisting to go out for dinner, Stella had said yes. Jackie even let Stella pick the place and she decided to go to Applebees.

   "All righty then let's go," Jackie said.

They went into Jackie's blue Subaru, which smelled worse than Stella's car. It smelled like death.

To be continued.

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