Chapter 6 The Test negative/positive

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The next day Stella went to the hospital for the follow up on drug use. They had her pee in a cup and tested the pee. She sat in the patient's room nervously hoping that she didn't have a positive result.

If she has a positive result they were going to cage her in a mental hospital. Just to make sure she didn't abuse drugs.

Moments later the doc came in to tell her some good news and some bad news, well the doctor thought it was good news but it was bad news for Stella.

"I have amazing news for you! The first good news it came back negative, the second good news is you're pregnant, congratulations on your new life." The doctor said.

The second news gave Stella an upset stomach and couldn't move because she was in shock. Who was the father? Who is going to help her? She never had anybody in her life to helping her out besides Chloe.

The reaction on Stella's face made the doctor realized that something was wrong.

"I take it the news I just told you isn't what you wanted to hear, was it?

" Not in the slightest," Stella replied.

"Well, it's you're a decision to keep it remember that. If you need anything let us know okay? Also your next follow up is in 6 months if it's clean one more time you won't need another follow up."

At least that was good news. Now Stella needs another test. To find out who the father was.

"It only takes one time to get pregnant so it could be Jackie's. That's scary to think about. I'm supposed to have dinner with him tomorrow that's a great story. Hey, how you been oh good well that's good guess what I'm pregnant and it's yours. I'm fucked." Stella thought. "Abortion might be best for me but is it best in general. Yes, I wanted to be a mom but not now. Granted I'm in my 30s so maybe it is a good time to be a mom? I don't even know. How long could I keep this up to be a secret? Hopefully long enough. God Chloe going to be even madder at me if she realizes I'm having a kid with her mystery man. I'm fucked. Very much fucked." Stella thought even more. "I love how life has it's ups and downs meet Michael Jackson and his brother Jackie Jackson, screw the brother of Michael Jackson. Go on a date with the brother of Michael Jackson then be impregnated by the brother of Michael Jackson. Life is a crazy man. I need to find Micheal Jackson again and prove to my best friend that I'm not crazy. I mean what are the odds of meeting the brother of Michael Jackson after knowing the real Michael Jackson just performed on stage his own song." Stella thought again as she tried to work on a plan on finding him again.

Honestly, she had no clue where to start. Does she want to manipulate the brother like she wanted to do or does she have a good relationship for their child?

Does she stop the drug abuse to help keep her child alive or not? Knowing her she won't read the labels and she will take the pills even if it says do not take if pregnant. Watch how she will have a miscarriage.

She doesn't read for shit, she doesn't listen to the doctors or her friends for that matter, she also doesn't have good communication skills so the relationship she has with Jackie might go down the hill.

Before she left the doctors she called Jackie and asked if he would like around 2 well for him around 3. He accepted and they plan on doing it before their dinner date just like last time."

They discussed how they wanted to have it this time just to make it feel different and better for them both. They worked out a compromised a rough and hard and a little role play.

When Stella had gotten off the phone with Jackie she went home to go take a shower and call up her workers that were supposed to help with the renovation of the workplace.

It's going good from what she could hear about then she called her bank to ask about stock markets she wanted to try and do foreign exchange market so she can make a lot of money she put $1000 in for Japan and she was told that if she did that her money should rise up by 120%. Which means she would have enough to cover the renovation for one room in her workplace. She decided to tell her accountant to raise it up by 2x every month.

By then she would have the entire place renovated in 6 months. She was super happy and excited because she had a lot of plans for the company to make it better and rise up on the charts.

This then gave her an opportunity to call her mom to tell her the good news about everything that happened today besides her being pregnant since she doesn't know if she wants to keep it or not.

Her mom was proud of her like always and hearing those words come out of her mom's mouth made Stella ecstatic. She loved hearing those words especially if it came from her mother.

Her mother meant the world to her if anything bad happened to her she would be devastated.

Once she hung up on her mom she then went onto her laptop to go on Facebook for a while she saw all of her friend's posts about where they've been and where they live now and how they're doing and she decided to post about her story about the company. She even wrote in her post that she was going to make a go find me page to help with the renovation.

When she had gotten done with both Facebook and the go fund me page, she went and gotten dressed for bed in a nice silky smooth outfit, that had little bows on her shoulders. It was super cute.

She sprayed some citrus spray on her bed to help her sleep for a while. She was going to have a fun day tomorrow but before that, she was going to clean around the house and maybe higher someone so she doesn't have to do it.

She hated cleaning and it was always her least favorite thing to do. Most of her clothes in her closet we're on the floor not hung up. Even though she hated seeing the mess she never hated the motive to go clean it.

"Another mess I have to clean before 4 pm just great, ugh." She said as she plopped down on her bed. Then she crawled to the top of her bed and snuggled with her pillow.

  "That's tomorrow's work not right now." She said as she dozed off in her sleep.

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