Close Call

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Although my lifestyle as flipped upside down, my alarm clock still went off at half six, and Daphne can still sleep for the whole of Great Britain. She had wormed her way into my bed in the middle of the night, so just like before, I leave her to sleep till seven, and I made jam on toast and tea for breakfast. 

I have my shower while waiting for Daphne. Today I want to wear something other than trousers and vans - well maybe still my vans. I slip into the checkered dress and throw my jet black hair into a high ponytail. I put on my socks and vans, then enter the kitchen and have breakfast with my sister. Titan High Academy does not have a set uniform, so Daphne is in some denim jeans and a floral patterned shirt. She had cleaned her converse last night, and had them on ready to go.

"You look stunning Daph." I smile, washing up our dishes. She slightly returns the gesture, getting her school bag ready. I do the same; picking up all my finished designs, and the ones I started last night, as well as my laptop and phone. Daphne grabs the shopping list off the fridge, as we leave the apartment. She has not seen my new car yet, and her eyes nearly jumped out her sockets when she did.

"This is yours? Oh my, this is beautiful!" She exclaims. I laugh at her reaction, unlocking the car. We both get in, and drive to Daphne's new school.


After having a tour around the school, a meeting with the principal and saying my goodbye and good luck to Daphne, I drove to work, and made it in time to my office. The stares and dirty looks were even worse. I try to brush them off; tell myself I am here to work and go home, but throughout my morning, that reassuring voice got quieter and quieter and quieter. I never went to the morning meeting because of the judgmental looks, and chose to sketch new designs for the different hotel rooms in the new Manchester hotel.

Violet pops her head around my office door at half past ten, which is the time morning meetings finish. She says Xavier is wanting to see me, and he does not sound happy. Frightened that my plan to ditch the meeting might cost me my job, I drop my pencil and hurriedly made my way to Xavier's office. I knock on the door and enter when granted access.

"Miss Xu, You was not present in today's meeting. I hope you know that during this time of expansion, I need everybody in the morning meetings - no excuses." Xavier stresses, his voice full of frustration.

"Yes Mr Bright. I am very sorry, but-"

"No excuses!" He slightly yells, causing me to jump. I definitely do not like this Xavier Bright.

"Yes sir." I say, my voice just above a whisper. I fiddle with the fabric of my dress; something I do when embarrassed. Xavier sighs a heavily, loosening his silk black tie. I turn on my heel, ready to walk out. But something stops me. Something turns me back around to face Xavier.

"I would have been in your meeting this morning if your stuck up, rich employees weren't so rude and judgmental towards me." I scoff, before walking out in confidence. What did I just do? Why did I do that? Where did this burst of confidence come from?

I enter my office, closing the door behind me. My breathing becomes uneven, as I try to process what just happened. Did I really just stick up for myself? My voice did not even shake when I spoke to Xavier. I did not show any mercy for my actions, and I do not feel sorry about it. I slump into my desk chair, continuing my designs. Time flies by, but I do not stop drawing. Every design I do, calms me down, bit by bit. There is a knock on my door, and Violet walks in.

"Hey Ziayn. Wow, are those your designs?" She asks, stopping in her track when she laid eyes on them. I nod my head, leaning back into my chair. She looks at them in awe.

"Can I help you Violet?" I question her.

"Me and some of the girls from the finance department are going out to lunch for our break, do you want to come?" She invites me. The girls from the finance department are young, bitchy girls that gossip about everyone else, and judge those that do not fit in.

"I need to do something actually. I think I will pass this time." I politely decline, getting up, grabbing my bag and keys. Violet frowns.

"Awww! That's fine, there is always another day. Have fun hun!" She hugs me before disappearing. I look around to see if I have everything. I notice the shopping list on the floor, so I go to pick it up. I hear the door opening, so I shoot up to see Xavier standing at the door.

"If you are here about this morning, I am sorry for my behaviour, but I need to go and run an errand." I sigh. He does not say anything except,

"Let's go then."


Xavier directs me to the nearest Sainsbury's in the city. I am happy he came with me, because I would have spent hours driving around trying to find somewhere to shop.

"I want to apologise for not hearing you out this morning. I am sure you had a reason for not showing up and I just shut you off." Xavier says, grabbing me a trolley as we enter the supermarket.

"It is okay Xavier. It is in the past now, let's just move on, and get this shopping done before Daphne kills me." I say, a small smile forming on our faces.

It does not take us long to buy all of the things we need. Sainsbury's also have a Home Decor section, so I brought a few ornaments for the apartments, as well as more cutlery, glasses, mugs, plates and bowls. I have just enough money to pay for everything, thanks to my last wage from Joan. There was something empowering about buying my own things in front of the wealthiest man I know. Although the empowering feeling does not last long, because he buys us some jam doughnuts to indulge on in the car.

"Thank you for your help today. Oh and the doughnuts." I smile, closing the boot of my car. We get into the front, and sit talking in the car park for a while. Xavier fills me in on this morning's meeting, while I just sit and enjoy a doughnut.

"You did not get any of that did you?" He asks me, smirking. I shake my head no, wiping the sugar from around my mouth.

"Just stop talking about work for five minutes, and enjoy a doughnut." I smile brightly, handing him the bag. He looks at it, than at my puppy dog eyes, and gives in. He take one out and bites into it, sighing at the heavenly goodness of the doughnut. Sugar is all over his mouth, as well as a bit on his nose. The sight of him makes me laugh so hard, my sides start to ache.

"You have got a little something there," I say, leaning forwards. I take my thumb and gently wipe away the sugar from his nose. Our eyes meet, sending my insides insane. I wanted to be cliche and kiss him, but this is not a movie. This is my boss. But he leans in a little closer. I want to move back, but my body does not move.

"W-we should get back to work." I whisper, sighing lightly. Xavier agrees, moving back into his seat. I do the same, starting the engine, and driving out of the car park, and back to work.

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