Screw You

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"Xavier, Miss Jones is here to see you." Violet's voice comes through the intercom, as I'm looking over Ziayn's latest designs for the Liverpool hotel. Her artistic skills are astonishing and so carefully thought through. I tell Violet to send Scarlett up to my office. What does this woman want? Even after letting her go from the company, she seems to always find herself in my building. I'm just lucky Ziayn hasn't spotted her yet. The door burst open, the smell of her perfume strong and sickly; bringing back memories of past love and deceitful lies. The sound of her heels clicking against the flooring in my office drives my brain insane - always has and always will. I love that Ziayn wears Vans to work because I don't have to listen to the horrible sound of her shoes smacking against any type of flooring. She is perfect in my eyes, regardless of her past. I look up from the designs to see Scarlett leaning on my office door, her outfit is casual; a pair of denim jeans, white blouse with one too many buttons undone, and five inch Louis Vuitton heels to match her outfit. She places her purse and coat on a near by chair, strutting over to my desk, and taking a seat before me.

"Why are you here Scarlett?" I ask her. She smiles deviously at me, before noticing Ziayn's designs. She picks them up and looks at them, disgust written across her face.

"I can't believe you picked that pauper over me Xavier. You do know that you are suppose to upgrade from an ex." She scoffs at me, throwing the designs over her head. "I mean were you partially blind when you met her?"

"Don't speak about Ziayn like that Scarlett! She's not a cheating liar like you." I insult her back, defending my girlfriend. Scarlett sighs in frustration at the mention of our toxic relationship. I don't know what I saw in her - she is a vile and cruel woman.

"Why can't you forgive me Xavier? Can't you just forget the past? I regret cheating on you and ruining everything we had. I know you still love me. I know that you want me more than anything. I know you haven't had sex in a very long time as well." She smirks at her last remark, as she catches my attention. Is it that obvious?

"You don't know that. You don't know anything about me Scarlett! I will never forgive you for what you did to me. We were going to get married - spend our life together and you messed that up, not me, you!" I raise my voice at her.

"I know you inside and out Xavier James Bright. I know all your desires, your pet peeves. I know everything about you! And I know you get cranky when you don't get your own way." I didn't dare make eye contact with her. She is right. I try to push back the thoughts that Scarlett is brainwashing me with. "If I don't mean anything to you anymore, kiss me and tell me you don't feel anything between us." Scarlett leans over my desk, her cleavage on full display, as she stares deep into my eyes. I know I love Ziayn, so this kiss won't mean a thing.

I lean in and give Scarlett a kiss on her lips, but before I could pull away, she deepens the kiss, her hands traveling through my hair. I try to find the strength to pulls away, but the taste of the past is too sweet to let go of. Scarlett tugs at my tie, trying to loosen it, as I finish unbuttoning her blouse. She moves to my neck, kissing and sucking on it like her life depends on it, moans flowing out of our mouths. She climbs over my desk, pushing me into my chair, straddling me, as she unclasps her bra. The office door swings open, a familair voice fills the room.

"Oh my gosh..." Scarlett jumps off me, trying to make herslef look decent before turning around. Ziayn stands before the two of us, her face looking as if she has seen a ghost. Scarlett smirks evilly, before sliding her heels back on. She pecks my cheeks as she grabs her things and pushes past Ziayn on her way out, knocking her balance a little bit. Ziayn isn't phased, noticing her designs scattered across the office floor. Our eyes meet, but instead of hers lighting up in happiness and love, they are filled with disgrace and sorrow. I know her heart is breaking and it's my fault. It's all my fault.

"Jake was right. I shouldn't of trusted you. I shouldn't of believed you when you said you would settle down with me. Is it because I won't jump straight into bed with you? Is it because I'm not filthy rich like her? Is it because of my past? Why am I not enough for you Xavier? Why do you make me believe I am capable of being loved by someone? Screw you and your money, your house, your lifestyle! Screw you!" Her words pierce my heart like a dagger, as she breaks down into tears before me. I walk over to her, but she's out the door quicker than lightning. I chase after her, running up to the elevator but I'm too late. Everyone has come out of their offices to figure out what's going on, frustrating me even more.

"I SUGGEST YOU ALL GET BACK TO WORK BEFORE YOU ALL LOSE YOUR JOBS!" I yell in anger, my employess scurrying back to their offices. As soon as I make it to the foyer, there is no sign of a brokenhearted Ziayn. Violet walks through the entrance, and I run over to her.

"Where is Ziayn?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders, her facial expressions telling me she is annoyed.

"I don't know, but whatever you've done Xavier you better fix it." Is all she says before pushing past me.

Oh shit what have I done?

"Just leave me alone Xavier!" her voice cracks in pain, as she throws all her clothes in her suitecase. The sight crushes my heart as she agressively shoves everything that's hers in the small suitecase. I try to stop her from picking up another item of clothing, but she swots my hand away, swearing at me and calling me every name under the sun, moon and stars.

"Ziayn please just listen to me! Stop packing your things please!" I plead with all my strength, but she zips up the case, and heads for the door. I block her only way out, standing in front of the door. She groans in frustation, hitting at my chest, swear words flowing from her lips, stabbing at my heart. I did this to her. I am causing her this suffering and agony. "Scarlett means nothing to me! You know she doesn't mean anyhting to me - I love you and only you Ziayn you have to believe me! I'm sorry Ziayn, just please hear me out!"

"Get out of the way you waste of space! You dream selling jerk! You don't love me Xavier, you love Scarlett fucking Jones!" She yells at me, distress clear to see in her face. I realise that there is no coming back from this. There's no kiss and make up. No running into my arm and professing our love for each other. There is no way she is going to forgive me. The best thing that has ever happened to me is about to walk out of my of life and there isn't anything I can do to stop her from leaving. I step to one side, allowing her access out of the bedroom, and out of my life. She doesn't take her car keys, as she walks out of the house. I watch her walk out the gates, dragging her suitecase behind her. Once she is out of my sight, I do the one thing I haven't done in years.

I break down and cry.

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