Tea but no Biscuits

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I spend most of my day in my office working on the interior design for the reception area of the new hotel being built in Manchester. The only occasions I left the office was if I needed the toilet or to get a coffee with Violet. She has become a very good friend to me throughout the day. I have not heard or seen Xavier since this morning which made me kind of sad, but then I have to remember that he is my boss, and not my friend. I cannot keep feeling like this around him, or feel sad when I have not seen him after a long period of time. He is a very wealthy man, and would not want anything to do with me if he saw me begging on the streets. He holds an extreme amount of power, and people with power means trouble and pain.

I am so concentrated on my work, that I did not even heard someone knock on the door. It opens, the deep voice clearing his throat to get my attention. I look up from my notebook to see a tired Xavier. He had ditched the tie and undone his top button. His sleeves were rolled up and his blazer was not on, unlike this morning.

"You are still here?" He asks, taking a seat in front of me. It was reverse deja vû for me. It was only Tuesday morning I was sat facing Xavier in an interview for this job. I look at the time on my phone; half past eight.

"I have been so focused on this design for the new Manchester hotel, I have not even checked the time." I say, placing down the pencil that was in my hand. Xavier eyes up my notebook, picking it up to have a closer look at my drawings.

"They aren't complete." I say, nervous that he may begin to laugh at them, and ridicule my work.

"These are amazing Ziayn. Not even the last designer had this much talent." Xavier compliments, a smile on his face and mine.

"Thank you. I was thinking that we could add some pictures on this wall here, and then hang these elegant chandeliers in the restaurant." I suggest, showing him the digital version I have created on my laptop.

"You are in charge of the interior design Ziayn, so you can add and take away whatever you would like." He smirks, leaning back into the chair. We talk for a while, about how I really feel about this new change for me. I am honest with him, and I vent to him about how I am worried I won't fit in with all these businesses men and women, and worried that Daphne will fall behind in school, when her exams are so close.

"Ziayn, you do not have to worry about anything. You have made the right choice regarding yourself and your sister. She is very smart and full of common sense from what I can gather. If I am honest, I don't want you to fit in with all these other boring people that you see. The way you think, dress - it is unique. So don't change." Xavier comforts me. I smile slightly, that tingling feeling returning. 

"Why are you still here?" I question him, raised an eyebrow. He laughs a little at my question.

"I have just come off the phone with my mother. She can talk for the whole of England. I normally work late anyway." He shrugs.

"As the owner of this company, you should not be here late." I point out. He tilts his head to the side, and I just shrug my shoulders.

"Oh really?" He says, a smirk forming on his face. I try not to grin like a little kid, nodding my head.

"Okay then I will go home, but you have to go home too." He says, getting up. I do the same, gathering my belongings and designs.

"Already one step ahead of you Mr Bright." I smile, walking in front of him. I could feel his eyes watching my every move, as I left the office. He follows behind, soon catching up to me. 


Daphne was in her study zone when I entered the apartment. She was sat at the breakfast island, different worksheets scattered around her. Because she is so use to doing her revision in the kitchen, she is not in her new room, using her desk.

"Hey Zi, how was your first day?" Daphne asks, not looking up from her work.

"It was okay today. I need to get use to this new way of living." I sigh, putting my car keys on the coffee table in the living room.

"I can definitely get use to this way of living! The TV is bigger than the little box we had back in the old apartment, and it has so many different channels!" Daphne smiles, sitting back in her chair, putting down the pen in her hand.

"I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Would you believe I am the only employee that does not wear a suit? You should have seen the looks people were giving me!" I stress, taking a seat at the island. Daphne gets up to put the kettle on, taking out two mugs and the teabags.

"Ignore the boring bats! Just be you Ziayn. If you wear vans instead of heels that give you painful blisters, so what?" Daphne protests, placing a cup of tea in front of me.

"Have we not got any biscuits?" I ask, a small frown on my face. I could do with some chocolate digestives right now.

"Nope. We need to go shopping tomorrow. I can go after school?" Daphne offers. I shake my head.

"No, I will go on my break. Anyway, are you excited to start school tomorrow?" I question Daphne, she pulls a face, sighing heavily.

"No. I am going to be the new girl and I hate that! I will have no friends, no familiar teachers, and no pizza on Fridays." Daphne sulks, sipping her tea.

"You have such a bubbly personality Daph, I am sure you will make plenty of friends. As for the pizza, I cannot help you with that my friend." I comfort my sister.

"Thank you Zi. You are the best." She smiles, tidying up her revision work.

"No worries Daphne. You know I am here for you."

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