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Mondays are the worse, and both Daphne and I hate them, but unfortunately, our deep hatred for the day does not stop it from approaching us. So as usual, the alarm goes off at half six and by half seven, Daphne is eating breakfast and I am gathering all my work for today. As it is the beginning of a new week, I am determined to not make it as eventful as my first week at Lighthouse Industries. That means, no more dinner dates at Xavier's house, no more fancy balls, and no more kisses.

"Come on Daphne, we need to go." I say, walking into the kitchen. She puts her bowl in the dishwasher, grabs her school bag, and then hands me my car keys.

"Let's roll," She says, causing me to laugh, as I follow behind her.


"So how was your weekend?" Violet asks me, as we walking into work together.

"It was okay thank you, what about you?" I smile, not wanting to talk about my weekend. Just thinking about it makes me feel like crap.

"Well me and my boyfriend went out on a date, and he proposed!" She squeals, showing me the rock on her finger. I gasp at Violet's exciting news, hugging her tightly in the middle of the ground floor.

"Tell me everything!" I say speechlessly. We enter the elevator, as she begins her story. Her fiancé took her to the place where they first met, and then got down on one knee. She could not stop smiling, and I could not stop feeling jealous that she has someone who loves her, and I have no one, except my seventeen year old sister. When we part ways, and I enter my office, I slide onto the floor and just... sulk. Call me childish, but when you spend eight years in the care system, and then four years trying to provide for yourself and your younger sibling, things like this hit hard, and it leaves you feeling all these different emotions.

I pick myself up, and shake off the negative feelings about Violet's engagement. I tell myself to be genuinely happy for her, before unloading all my work. My office door opens, and Xavier enters, closing the door behind him.

"Hello Mr Bright." I politely greet him.

"Miss Xu," he replies, catching me off guard. He has not called me Miss Xu since my first day here.

"Can I help you?" I ask him, taking a seat at my desk, brushing off his rather cold greeting. He is acting weird all of a sudden, and I don't like it.

"I am going to need the rest of the Manchester hotel designs on my desk by Wednesday morning." He tells me, catching me off guess again.

"That is impossible! It takes a day to get one design perfect!" I protest. Xavier looks as if he could not care less.

"Make it possible." Is all he says, before leaving the office. I scoff at him, as he closes the door. What an arse! Clearly he is in a mood from Saturday night, and probably upset that I am the first of many to turn him down, but I am not going to risk losing my job over him. I don't waste time; finishing some designs and then moving onto new ones. Hours and hours and hours past me by, as I worked hard. I don't go on my break, only giving myself sixty seconds to text Daphne to order pizza or something, because there was a possibility I would be sleeping in my office tonight.

Half eight arrives, and I am still going strong with these designs. Xavier thinks he can put me off my work with this ridiculous deadline. If he wants to play with fire, he needs to know I am not the one to go up against. There is a knock at the door, and the idiot himself walks in. I didn't even need to look up to know it is him - his cologne is so strong, I could smell from a mile away.

"What now Xavier? Do you want me to build one of these dumb hotels by Wednesday as well?" I sarcastically say, not even putting down my pencil. He chuckles at me, taking a seat in front of me.

"Are you mad at me for asking you to do your job?" He fires back. Oh I just know he has that stupid smirk on his stupidly gorgeous face.

"I am mad at you because you know that I cannot just rush my work! You already have me starting the new designs for the Liverpool hotel, knowing full well I have not even finished the Manchester designs!" I try to calmly explain, this time putting down my pencil. I hold my head in my hands, and take deep breathes. Why is he getting under my skin?

"I am sorry if you are feeling overwhelmed. I came here to tell you to go home and sleep to be honest. This is your first deadline so you have a right to feel stressed." Xavier tells me, and I look up at him.

"Well, I guess I am sleeping in my office then." I say coldly, picking up my pencil and continuing my work.

"You are joking right?" Xavier questions me. I don't answer him. He gets up and leaves me alone again. I sigh heavily at how work consumed I am becoming by the day. Daphne is at home by herself, and I hate that she has to leave school and come to an empty home.

My office door flies open, scaring the life out of me. I look up to see Scarlett in front of me, a look of despise and disgust on her face.

"I know you sent that text message to me last night. Do you really think I am scared of you?" I ask her, trying to stop myself from laughing.

"You may not be scared of me, but I am sure you would be scared to loose your job if anyone finds out about your little kiss with Xavier." She smiles deviously. My mouth dries up at her words. How did she find out about it?

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" I scoff at her.

"Maybe. Maybe not. But let's just say that if you stay away from Xavier, you can keep your job." She says, walking out the room.

I am screwed. And if I didn't know it before, I definitely know it now.

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