I love You

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Nothing stings more than watching Daphne apply to the University of Bath. It is finally happening - she is officially a grown up. No more waking her up half six in the mornings. No more jam on toast for breakfast. Is this how parents feel when their kids grow up? I hate this feeling. Daphne is my world - always has been and always will be - she has been there for me through all of life's ups and downs it has thrown at us. I leave Daphne to apply to university, walking downstairs to enter Xavier's study room. He was on the phone, as usual, tie on one chair, sleeves rolled up and the top two buttons on his shirt were undone. Even when he looks like this, he still looks good enough to eat. Oh Zi stop that!

"I'll call you back tomorrow. Goodbye," He ends the phone call after laying eyes on me. I step into the room fully, closing the door behind me. He gives me a smile, showing off his pearly whites. "hello my love."

"Hey love." I sigh, feeling a mixture of emotions. He pats his lap, gesturing for me to come over. I obey, walking towards him and taking a seat in his lap. He rests his head on my shoulders, putting his hand in mine.

"I have to tell you something Xavier." I say. Daphne getting ready to move away isn't the only thing on my mind this evening.

"What did you need to tell me?" He asks. I can feel him tense up, and I wish I never said anything.


"Mr Grant, it's lovely seeing you again." I politely greet him, holding out my hand for him to shake. He chuckles at my professional mannerisms, walking into my office, making himself at home. "What can I do for you?"

"Real answer or fake answer?" He smirks, as I take a seat in front of him. My palms are becoming extremely sweaty, and the temperature of the room seems to be increasing. I shouldn't of worn a turtleneck today.

"Fake." I bluntly say, leaning my elbows on my desk.

"I need someone to give me a tour around the building, just so I'm familiar with everything when I start at the end of the month." He says. I tilt my head to the side, trying to read this man. What's his agenda? Why has he come to disturb my morning? Does Xavier know he's here in my office?

"And the real answer?" I question him, not sure I'm ready for his response.

"I wanted to see your beautiful face again and ask you out on a date." Those very words almost give me a heart attack. Did he really just ask me out on a date?

"With all due respect Mr Grant, that wouldn't be a good idea." I try my best not to melt under his intimidating stare. Jake raises an eyebrow.

"And why wouldn't it be a good idea? Are you seeing someone? Are you off the market? Heck - are you gay?" He interrogates me, and scoff at his relentlessness. 

"I'm not gay Mr Grant! I'm actually in a relationship. With Xavier." I reply. For once, Jake doesn't open his wealthy gob, instead he nods his head.

"Xavier doesn't settle down Miss Xu. Well not after things ended between him and Scarlett. I wouldn't get too attached to him if I were you sweetheart." He smirks. I shake my head, refusing to believe him. He is just saying this because I turned him down.

"Is that all Mr Grant?" I question him, not wanting to spend another minute in this man's presence.

"Well you aren't going to take my offer for a date, and I'm guessing you won't show me around either, so yes, that is all Ziayn." He states.

"Well you know where the door is. And it's Miss Xu to you."


Xavier listens as I explain today's earlier events. He scoffs at his friend's inappropriate behaviour, apologising on his behalf.

"I don't care about his behaviour Xavier; I can handle men like Jake. What bothers me more is what he said about you. Is it true you aren't the type to settle down with one person?" I'm not entirely sure I'm ready for his answer.

"I asked you to be my girlfriend Zi. You live with me for goodness sakes! Is that not enough?" He turns this on me, shaking his head in disbelief. I climb out of his embace, feeling the pain of his words.

"You make it sound as if you had no choice in asking me to be your girlfriend! And I never asked to live in this big house with you! Just answer my question!" I retaliate. Xavier groans in frustration, standing to his feet.

"After breaking things off with Scarlett, I wasn't the one to settle down - I'd admit it. It was one fling after another! I was empty and depressed after finding out the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with was cheating on me. But then I found you. I found you and you have filled that empty space and I would settle down with you over and over again because I fucking love you Ziayn! I love you."

I didn't dare open my mouth. He just said he loves me. He would settle down with me over and over again. And here I am, sabotaging everything. I feel the tears roll down my cheeks, but I don't wipe them away. They are tears of joy.

"Please say something Ziayn. Anything." Xavier pleads, walking closer to me.

"I love you too. I fucking love you too Xavier." I truthfully say, a smile forming on my face. Xavier fills the gap between us, and without needing permission, he connects his lips to mine. I give it all up; the guard, trust issues, adandonment issues - every issue I'm carrying! I let them all go, as I move my lips in sync with his. He pulls away, a look of lust glazes over his eyes and I know exactly what he wants.

"I don't think we will be doing anything beyond kissing anytime soon Mr Bright." I whisper, not breaking eye contact with him. He leans his forehead against mine.

"And that's okay with me. You're worth the wait." He softly speaks, putting my mind at ease. I kiss his lips one last time before heading for the door.

Daphne is still up when I enter the spare room. I sit next to her on the floor, taking her hand. She moves in closer, before resting her head on my lap. I stroke and play with her silky dark hair, combing my fingers through it. I would do this all the time, no words needing to be exchanged.

"I just want you to know Zi, that you will always be my legal gurdian. You will never stop being the mum I never had. I know I might be going away to uni, and things will be different, but this is your chance to live your life now." Daphne says, her voice quiet, but loud enough for me to hear.

"I am living my life Daph." I chuckle, still playing with her hair. She sits up and faces me.

"No Zi. You're just cruising through life right now. Now is your time to do everything you've ever wanted in life. Travel, go to art school. Get with Xavier - the list is endless!" She says, causing me to smile. She is right, as usual.

"Xavier and I are actually together now - as in boyfriend and girlfriend - and well we did just profess our love for one another-" Daphne cuts me off.

"WHAT? You two are a thing? And you forgot to mention this very important and vital piece of information to me? Zi!" Daphne whines. I laugh at her childlike behaviour.

"I knew you two would get together. You're like a match made in heaven." Daphne continues. The thoughts I have about him are definitey not from heaven. But Daphne doesn't need to know that...

"I am extremely proud of you sis. You deserve all the success and happiness in the world. Just don't lose faith in God, call me at least twice a day and come home on the weekends." I smirk and Daphne laughs.

"I haven't left yet Zi! How about I call you once a day, and I visit twice a month?" Daphne negotiates. I shake her hand, closing the deal. She pulls me into a hug, the two of us rocking back and forth.

"I love you big sis."

"I love you too."

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