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Xavier takes me home once we had both finished work. The car ride is silent, as I stare out the window, watching the city pass us by. The sky begins to grow dark, so the street lights come on, one by one. Daphne is staying the night at Jaslin's house - a close friend of hers from school. Jaslin's mum is the sweetest soul and said that Daphne is a well brought up young lady and is welcome to her home anytime. Hearing that from someone as wealthy as her mum means quite a bit to me. It confirms that I am doing a pretty good job raising Daphne on my own. When we reach home, Xavier walks me up to the apartment. He instantly makes himself at home, while I go and get ready.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight Zi. I know you really don't want to come, especially after today's news, but I do appreciate it a lot." Xavier calls out. The sincerity in his voice makes me smile slightly. He has fallen just as hard as I have and it is showing.

"It is the least I can do. Right, how do I look?" I step out of my room into the living room to show Xavier my outfit. His mouth drops open for a split second before he quickly stops himself from drooling.

"You look beautiful Ziayn." He smiles and I feel myself smiling too. I grab a jacket and my purse, following Xavier out the apartment. I lock the door behind me, as I lock arms with Xavier. We exit the building, and into his car.


"Oh Xavier, I am so glad you could make it tonight!" Mrs Bright greets her son with open arms. She does her best to try and ignore my existence, but Xavier gives her a stern look.

"Hello to you too Zoey." She dryly says.

"It's Ziayn mother, and I would appreciate it if you did not disrespect her like that." Xavier speaks up on my behalf. Mrs Bright looks startled at her son's tone of voice, but holds her head up high.

"I would of appreciated it if she was not in my home full stop, but we cannot always have what we want." She grins deviously, before walking away. My fists begin to ball up, as she walks off, confidence radiating from her. She makes my blood boil! Xavier takes me into the kitchen to cool off.

"I didn't even say a word," I scoff, anger raging inside of me. Why do I irritate her so much? Why does she hate me with a passion?

"Ziayn I am so sorry. You know what, let's just go-"

"Xavier! Leaving so soon?" The familiar voice sends a cold and sharp shiver down my spine. The wicked blonde witch of the west is here in the flesh. Where are the buckets of water when you need them?

"Scarlett, I did not know you were going to be here tonight, having dinner with my parents." Xavier sighs, a strong hint of annoyance in his voice. She flutters her lashes, making me feel sick to my stomach.

"Claudia invited me over tonight, and you know I can't say no to her. I see you brought Miss Xu for some strange reason." She says, turning her attention into me. I roll my eyes are her sly remark.

"Listen very closely to my words Scarlett," I say, stepping closer to her. "You are not intimidating me, nor will you ever intimidate me! And stop drooling over your boss - it is very unprofessional and down right disgusting." I scold her. She steps back in shock, looking at Xavier for backup, but he ignores her pleading eyes and snakes his arm around my waist.

"So you are just going to stand there and let her talk to me like that Xavier? After what happened between us in your office a few weeks ago? Let me fill you in Ziayn-" She evilly smiles at me, my eyes widen as she starts to tell the tale of that horrid day. I turn to Xavier and his face has turned a pale colour.

"Stop with the lies Scarlett! Nothing happened between you and him that evening!" I jump in again. She laughs at me, and then realises I am not in a laughing mood.

"Oh darling, I'm not the one lying. Xavier can vouch for me can't you?" She smirks at Xavier. He does not say anything, his silence makes me feel foolish. Scarlett chuckles deviously to herself, as she walks away, leaving Xavier and I in the kitchen.

"Tell me she is lying to get under my skin." I quietly speak, turning around to look into his eyes. He doesn't look me in the eyes. He does everything he can to not make eye contact with me. I knew there was something wrong with his apology the other night. I knew he was hiding something.

"Ziayn it was I stupid mistake-" He starts, but I quickly put a stop to it.

"No Xavier, I made a stupid mistake trusting you! Falling for your dumb tricks. Believing you when you told me I was different from the other girls." My voice cracks as my eyes fill up with salty tears.

"I regret what I did that day Zi - I really do! I fell into her trap once again, but I swear I am crazy about you! You have to believe me!" Xavier pleads. My heart breaks even more, because I want to believe him, but I can't. I just can't.

"The night of that stupid Ball, I asked you not to hurt me. The night in your office I asked you not to hurt me. Not to damage me even more than I already am - but you go and do this!" I break down, covering my mouth, to try and stop myself from making too much noise. I turn on my heels to go, but Xavier pulls me back.

"I am so sorry Ziayn! Don't leave now! Don't leave me!" He pleads with all his soul. Releasing myself from his grip, I walk out the kitchen and then out the mansion.


Once I step into the apartment, I cry like a baby. I throw away the flowers Xavier brought me the night he lied to my face, before getting into my pyjamas, and watching Me before You. Since Daphne is away for the night, I have to make my own hot chocolate. It tastes horrible, making me sob even more. By the end of the film, I am surrounded my used tissues and ginger nut biscuit crumbs. I am a complete and utter mess because of one man. Pathetic Ziayn - absolutely pathetic.

Don't Hurt MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz