I'm Not Happy Ziayn

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My body has completely shut down. Nothing seems or feels right anymore - my whole world is fragmented and I can't get it back to how it was before. I did this - me. The richest man in the city ruined his own life by messing around with someone that almost destroyed my very being. Someone that I should resent, someone that shouldn't have that affect on me. Her touch was familiar and as much as I hate to admit it, I liked the familiarity of it all. She had me right where she wanted me, and I fell into the deadly trap, the consequences however were a lot more severe. The one woman who loved me for all the right reasons slipped through my fingers like sand. The woman with a tonne of baggage and weights and responsibilities, who opened up to me about everything she has ever gone through wasn't the first face I saw each morning anymore. My soulmate, just vanished before my eyes. So I do the only thing my body knows how to do after losing someone I hold so close to my heart:

I shut down.

I know my father is angry at me for mixing business with my personal life, but I couldn't help my feelings for the interior designer who worked for my company. He has had to step in during my absence, and with Jake there to help him, I know I'll have a lot of things to change when I return back to work. Well that's if I ever do. Everywhere I look in that skyscraper building, brings back those memories of our not so secret kisses, chasing her around the eighth floor after everyone had left to go home, spending our nights in my office, sorting out files and eating take out for our dinner. She tried to teach me how to use chopsticks one time, but I failed miserably at trying to use them. My entire office reminded me of her, and that was just torturous for me. I spent most days in bed crying morning, noon and night. I would only eat if I had Violet or Jake practically force feed me, and the only thing I watched was Me before You, because I remember Daphne told me once, that that was her go to romcom for when her heart was aching.

Scarlett told me she has given up her devious antics and behaviour after that day. She has come to her senses and realised she messed up her chances of us getting back together, and that Ziayn is the love of my life. She would check up on me whenever she could, but came to the conclusion that I needed to have some kind of babysitter to look after me. Even Jake, who is suppose to be on my side in these situations, agreed with Scarlett. So now I'm lying in Ziayn's bed, in her apartment, and instead of her laying beside me - I have depression cradling me tight. Dragging myself out of the bed, I slowly open the door, poking my head out first before the rest of my body. Quietly, I make my way to the living room, checking on Ziayn from a distance. Her soft, delicate snores inform me that she is sleeping, which means my plan is good to go. Trying to be as silent as humanly possible, I walk over to her, gently picking her up. She stirs a little, but thankfully doesn't wake up, as I carry her into her room. I place her into bed, tucking her in under the covers, before planting a kiss on her forehead, turning off the lights and closing the door shut. I grab as many blankets as I could find, and make myself as comfortable as I could on this very uncomfortable settee, closing my eyes shut and counting sheep to try and get to sleep.

"Rise and shine Mr Millionaire." Ziayn shakes my shoulder, awakening me from my sleep. It took hours to drift off last night so the last thing I need this morning is Ziayn violently shaking me awake. I open one eye to see her dressed in some jeans and a plain white shirt. As I look down to see if she was hopefully wearing slippers, a pair of converse were on her feet. I groan in tiredness, remembering one of the rules we had agreed on yesterday.

"Can we not go for that walk today? I really don't want to get up." I mumble, hoping she would change her mind. She giggles to herself, as she places a cup of black coffee on the coffee table. She then crouches down to my eye level, titling her head a little at me. I just stare lifelessly at her, and she slightly frowns, but tries to hide it.

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