I Need Your Help

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The walk to Fran's cafe is awkward. As we enter the shop, Fran lights up, and runs over to me, embracing me into a huge hug. I haven't seen her since I returned to Sommereast, and I know she is going to give me a good telling off after this much needed hug.

"When did you get back? Why didn't you come and see me Ziayn Xu? I am your best friend young lady and don't you ever forget that!" She starts her rant. I laugh at her childlike behaviour, trying to calm her down.

"I am sorry Fran. How about I make it up to you some time?" I offer. She nods her head in agreement, before telling me to sit anywhere. "Can I get you guys anything to eat or drink?"

"I'll take a decaf latte, with single low fat cream instead of milk." Scarlett orders. Fran sizes her up with her eyes. I can tell she's trying not to laugh.

"What fancy shop did you buy her in Ziayn?" She giggles, and I bite down on my bottom lip to try and keep a straight face.

"Don't even ask Fran. I've already had a hot drink this morning, but I'll take a slice of cheesecake for Joan and maybe a shot of tequila if you have one." I smile at her and she shakes her head, giggles flow from her red lips. Scarlett and I sit in a booth by the window.

"So this is where you come from?" She says, staring out the window. I do the same, seeing people walking about and interacting with one another. Fran's cafe is sat by the local beach, and has the perfect view of the sea; the noise of the Saturday Market in the distance. This is my home, and no matter how horrible my childhood was, I'll always have love for Sommereast Village. Fran walks over with Scarlett's latte and surprisingly, a shot of tequila. The three of us burst into fits of laughter. I take the shot, earning cheers from the two of them. Fran leaves us to talk.

"This is where I'm from. Feel free to mock and shame me now or forever hold your peace." I roll my eyes, waiting for the hurtful words to flow from her mouth, but she says nothing.

"I'm not here to be a bully to you Ziayn. I think I've bullied you enough." She sighs sadly before continuing. "When you started at Lighthouse Industries, I was intimidated by you. I know - shocker. I was still trying to come to terms with the fact I screwed things up between Xavier and I. I know it is my fault but I'm getting help - real, professional help. I saw how Xavier was with you, and it made me jealous. He was never like that with me and it really pissed me off. I didn't want him to love another woman unless that woman was me. I know my actions and words are unforgiveable, and that my apology will never be enough, but I want to stop this war we have between us, please."

I have no words. I never saw this coming and it is scaring me a bit. Scarlett Jones is apologising to me - the woman she absolutely despised and was out to get. I'm searching for the deception in her eyes, a smirk on her glossy lips, a sense of deviousness in her tone of voice - but there isn't any. I think I need another shot.

"I accept your apology Scarlett. I am nothing to be be intimidated of. I'm glad you're seeking professional help. We all need it sometimes and it is not a sign of weakness. Xavier doesn't love me Scarlett - he would never of fell into both of your traps and betrayed me the way he did, That's not how you show you love someone. I may not be filthy rich like you guys that work in that skycraper building, but I have morals and values that I stick by. I'm moving on from him, so whatever you have to say about him - save it because I don't care." I stop, and wipe the tears that have fallen. Scarlett hands me a napkin and I dap my cheeks, trying not to completely ruin my make up. I don't know why I even bother wearing it - all I seem to do lately is cry my eyes out.

"I know you want to move on and act like you don't give a damn about Xavier but we both know how much you love and care for that man. Ziayn, he is in a really bad state. He has left his father in charge of the company and hasn't gone into work since the day you left. He won't talk to his parents, or Violet or even Jake. I haven't seen him like this since... well since he found me cheating." Scarlett explains everyhting that has happended after I left Jewlbury.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I question her. If this is to guilt trip me into taking him back, the answer will be no, even though my heart is screaming yes from the top of its non exsistent lungs.

"Stay with him for a bit. Help him get back on his feet. Everything we are doing is clearly not helping, and I know that you're the only one who can save him from spiraling further into his depression. I'm not asking you to flamin marry the guy Ziayn, just stay with him for a few days maybe. He needs you - I need your help." She responds, giving me a look of desperation.

"There are people qualified to sort him out Scarlett! I have enough to worry about right now, like my pregnant little sister, paying my bills, getting over the very man you want me to babysit!" I protest. She sighs, rolling her eyes at me.

"Those very qualified people will only refer Xavier to an institution for failing to function adequately Ziayn! He's got a company to run and you are his only hope. You're never going to get over him so stop feeding yourself that lie because I bet you don't even believe it yourself anyway. You love him and he loves you, so just help him get better. See this as you getting closure. Afew days spent with him can give you a better understanding of your feelings towards Xavier." Scarlett suggests. Xavier has shut down completely all because I left. I think long and hard, not one hundred and ten percent sure which route to take. Maybe what Scarlett is saying could work. Maybe I could get closure from doing this.

"I don't know Scarlett, I'll have to get back to you on this one. I'm somewhat happy here and I have a part of my life back on track. Doing this would only mess that up for me." I sigh, torn at what is best for me to do.

"If that's the case, I'll bring him to you. You won't have to leave your home, and we'll kill two birds with one stone? Would that work better for you?" Scarlett negotiates. She is not going to take no for an answer is she?

"I finish my shift at half eight tonight. If you can get him out of bed and outside the block of apartments where I live at nine tonight, I'll help him." I set my offer on the table. Scarlett doesn't hesitate for a nanosecond and answers straight away.


Joan says goodbye to the last customer of today, before sighing in relief that the day is over. It was quite busy in the shop today, so Jo and I never found time to talk or even nibble on the slice of cheesecake I brought back from Fran's. I didn't even have time to think about how Xavier may or may not be stood outside my block of apartments when I reach home. I'm praying he isn't there with Scarlett and a packed bag. I cover up the displays and sweep the lament flooring, while Joan gets my wages for this month. I keep checking the clock above Joan's head, the ticking sound driving me up the walls. It hits half eight and I feel like throwing up. Jo hands me my wages in a brown envelope and tells me to - and I quote: "Stop fretting about the rich prick that might be waiting for you when you get home."

Well that didn't help.

I hug Joan before leaving the shop, sprinting like a cheetah on a hunt for its prey. I don't stop running till I get inside my apartment, collapsing onto the settee. I check the clock - quarter to nine. I have fifteen minutes to have a shower, wash the dirty dishes I left in the sink this morning and make myself look presentable. I get to work, cleaning my body and my kitchen sink, glancing at the clock every two seconds. The sickly feeling sits in my throat, making it hard for me to ignore it. Not even a bowl of noodles is distracting me from the regret I feel in this moment. Five minutes past nine - does this mean I don't have to put up with Xav-

The buzzer goes off.

Please tell me that's Daphne. Or Fran. I would rather it be Angie than him. Maybe that's a bit of a stretch.

The buzzer goes off again.

I sigh in defeat, going to the buzzer and answering it.

"Sorry we're late - traffic was horrendous. Can you like, let us in?" Scarlett speaks through the speaker. I bang my head on the wall. I want to tell her to go back home and take him with her. But I can't. I can't break a deal.

"The door is open." Is all I say, before releasing my fingering off the buzzer.

Fuck me.

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