Jake Grant

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"Hey Ziayn, have you got a second to talk?" It is Monday morning, and as usual, I am sat in my office, perfecting the final details on the Liverpool hotel.

"Hey Violet, what's up?" I turn my attention to my friend, who is sitting in front of me.

"I just wanted to talk about the last time I saw you. I was so scared when I came in here and you were having a panic attack! I just want to help." She confesses. I never thought she cared that much. Taking in a deep breath, I explain to Violet everything. I confide in her about everything. She listens to every word, hands me the tissues when the waterworks begin. I feel safe in Violet's company, and besides my sister, the only person who's company makes me feel safe is Xavier.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that Zi. You are so strong!" Violet takes my hand into hers, holding it tightly. I smile slightly, releasing myself from her grip, before standing to my feet.

"We better get going to this morning meeting." I sigh, following Violet out of my office.

The meeting is boring to the core as usual, irrelevant information going through one ear and out the other. I don't even know why Xavier makes me attend them; I have no reason to be present in any of them! It is a waste of my time.

"Deadlines for all projects is this Friday. If they are late, do not be surprised if you do not have a job next week Monday. That is all." Xavier finishes the meeting, dismissing everyone back to work. Nothing is more sophisticated than Xavier's dominant side.

"Miss Xu, can I see you in my office?" Xavier asks, heading out of the conference room. We enter the elevator together, the doors close as we go up to the eighth floor.

"I want to introduce you to one of my close friends, Jake Grant. I mentioned you are the new interior designer for the company, and he is really intrigued to put a face to the designs I have shown him." Xavier informs me, as he moves in closer.

"I must be doing something good for you to introduce me to one of the close friends." I smirk, filling in the gap between the two of us. His hand travels down my back, and grabs my butt in the process. I hold in a squeal of shock, as Xavier leans in to kiss me. Unfortunately the elevator doors open, and someone is standing at the entrance. Xavier and I walk straight out of the elevator, avoiding eye contact with the colleague stood before us. We reach his office, stopping at the door.

"I'm nervous Xavier," I whisper, as I tremble on the inside and out. Xavier gently presses his lips onto mine, pulling away ever so slowly. My eyes flutter open, a smile appears on my face, a smirk on his. Without any words, Xavier opens his office door, a young man, sat in his chair. His hair was shaggy and brunette, his eyes a piercing green. Those same green eyes catch a glimpse of me, and I wish I didn't wear a skirt today.

"Long time no see Jake," Xavier greets his friend, shaking his hand. Jake smiles, and he pulls Xavier into a hug.

"Looks like someone missed me quite a bit!" His Londoner accent strong. Xavier chuckles, and turns to face me.

"I want you to meet Ziayn Xu. She is the interior designer for the upcoming hotels I'm building this year. And also my girlfriend." Xavier smiles at me. I timidly wave at Jake, but that wasn't a sufficient greeting for him. Jake walks over, and takes my hand, gently kissing it, looking me dead in the eyes. I must be in a film. This only happens in the films.

"Pleasure meeting you Miss Xu," He smirks, and I almost lose my balance. My heart is beating abnormally fast, and that only happens when I'm with Xavier. Why is it happening now?! Xavier clears his throat, grabbing my attention.

"Please call me Ziayn," I mange to say, smiling slightly at him. Jake continues to smirk at me, roaming my body with his eyes, before turning to Xavier.

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