Thank you Mr Bright

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Xavier takes time out of his schedule to show me around the building. He introduces me to different managers of different departments. He gives me my own office and space to do my art and planning. The café, parking lot - literally everything! We would make little jokes and talk about anything. I talk about the bookshop and Joan. He talks about his two dogs and what his company actually did.

"So this is basically the headquarters. Your hotels are the main product." I say, processing it all. He nodded his head as we end back at his office. I took a seat as before, while Xavier finds some papers for me to sign.

"I know it is a lot to process, but how does it all sound so far Ziayn?" Xavier wonders, placing the papers in front of me with a pen. I begin to read through, signing where need be.

"It sounds good to me Xavier. I do have one problem." I sigh. He looks confused, but insists me to go on.

"Because of my situation, I do not have enough money to just move me and my sister to the city. I cannot carry on signing these papers, knowing there is one requirement I cannot meet." I put down the pen in defeat. There is always a catch with opportunities like this.

"I see great things in you Ziayn, I want you to have this job, so how about I move you into an all expenses paid, two bedroom apartment." My eyes widened at his offer. I have known this man for 2 hours and he is offering me a home? This is not real! I refuse to believe it is real. This has to be a prank.

"Xavier, that is kind of you, but I would have to pay you back, and-"

"Did you not hear when I said all expenses paid? It is no big deal to me." He cuts me off. What is it with the rich cutting people off?

"It may not be a big deal to you Mr Bright, but it is to me. I have no clue what to think of this." I reply in shock.

"Sign the papers today, and sleep on this offer. Call me when you have a final decision." Xavier tells me. I agree with him on that.

"Thank you for today Xavier." I smile slightly. He smirks at me, as he takes the papers and signs them himself.

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Xu. Allow me to walk you to your car." He politely offers.

"I unfortunately take the bus. But thank you for the offer." I blush, embarrassment bubbles in the pit of my stomach.

"Looks like I am taking you home then." He simply replies, swinging his car keys around is index finger, a smug smile planted on his face.

I didn't even try to turn him down.


"It is just this building on the left." I direct Xavier. After an hour drive home, we finally arrive. The car journey was far from uncomfortable; Xavier making it has pleasant as possible for the both of us. His intimidating presence no longer exist to me. He was much softer than when I first met him at half ten. I did not feel as nervous around him. Something tells me he is not like other young men who are filthy rich and hold an insane amount of power. He smells like trouble and instead of that scaring me away, it draws me closer to him.

"It is a beautiful village Ziayn, I can see how it must be hard for you to leave it behind." Xavier fills the silence. He is right - this is my home, my livelihood. As much as it brings back trauma from the past, I could not imagine not waking up to the local postman, Jo and the bookshop, Daphne's school, the beach - just everything!

"It is beautiful, but it also beautifully torments me everyday." I sigh heavily, undoing the seatbelt that had me secured. I grab my bag from between my feet, and climb out the sports car, Xavier doing the same.

"Why not take the offer than? If you want to escape your past?" Xavier raises an eyebrow.

"It is complicated Xavier." I smirk, using the classic cliche line. He shakes his head, a slight smile on his face. I walk onto the pavement and face him, his sea blue eyes stare deep into my ordinary, dark brown eyes.

"Call me when it is all a little less complicated." He mimics, getting back into his car. He starts the engine and soon enough, he is gone. I release the breath I never even realised I had held in.

To shake off the tingling sensation I feel trickling down my spine, I take a walk to the beach. I have not been down there in a while due to long shifts at the bookshop and looking after Daphne. The only time I really went to the beach was for the annual village Summer Fair and the bonfire night in the winter. The beach did hold some memories that I had with my parents before Daphne. There is a most definite certainty that my mother was intoxicated thanks to the cocaine, but it did not bother me at the time - mostly because I did not know she was high; enjoying every moment of it. After Daphne was born, I started to pick up on my mother's addition. At the ages of sixteen and eleven, Daphne and I were thrown into care, like we were pieces of garbage that no one cared about. Daphne cried for a week straight, and I made a vow to never let anyone treat us like that ever again.

The tide was quiet this afternoon - much different to my life right now.

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