Chapter 20

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I scouted the hallway and thankfully no one was in sight. I opened the door to the auditorium and hurriedly closed it behind me. "Professor Im there's a serious prob-" Taeho paused his lecture when my voice echoed. The students currently in class turned to look at me and my face grew beet red.

Thankfully, Taeho resumed the lecture and most of the students toward the back didn't seem to know who I was. I found an empty seat and anxiously waited until class was over. "I'm expecting great effort in those reports.", he said. "But as my schedule has been a little... busy, I won't be open for office hours today or tomorrow." The students groaned as Taeho continued. "So treat the extra three days I'm giving you as a gift. You're all excused."

Their dismay turned into joy. Soon, groups of students left in waves and I watched as the last one finally exited. "I'm sure you heard that I'm unavailable today, Miss Lee.", said Taeho. "So whatever question you have, should wait until next wee-"

"Do you even have a next week?", I interrupted. Taeho furrowed his eyebrows. "Because some interesting rumors have been spreading about you... About us." I walked towards his desk and Taeho held a hand up. "That's why I said I'll handle it. Don't get involved."
"My name is associated with yours. Of course I'm going to get involved."

Taeho sighed and closed his eyes. "Somin, please. For once, I need you to listen to me." I watched as he slowly massaged his temples. By the looks of it, Taeho had very little sleep.

"...Fine. I won't get involved.", I said. "But can we at least talk about it?" Taeho opened his eyes and met mine. "What's there to discuss? You already know what everyone thinks."
"Well it doesn't make any sense."
"Somin, put yourself in an outsider's shoes. If you see a female student and professor act like we do, unnecessary assumptions will be made."
"But we've never done anything wrong."
"Between us two, yes. But the public doesn't understand and they won't understand."

I looked down in guilt. "...Unless.", I said. Taeho raised an eyebrow. "Unless what?", he asked.

"Unless you two refrain from speaking or seeing each other." I turned around and an older woman made her way down the steps. "President Jung.", muttered Taeho. He reluctantly bowed and I followed.

"I see you've caused problems once again Mr. Im." We made eye contact and I wanted to hide. Her stare was incredibly intimidating. "Regardless of the rumors, I can assure you none of them are true.", he said. "I sincerely apologize for being part of something that could potentially ruin our school's reputation."
"Well you should be sorry, Mr. Im. Teacher-Student relationships is a breach in your contract."
"I understand."
"Clearly you don't. You are a man with authority and fraternizing with students is very unprofessional."
"...I understand."
"The nerve you have taking part in such a horrendous act. I expected much more from the nation's top 1%."
"Like I said, whatever the other professors did, I claim to take no part in it."
"Regardless if you did or not, your name being mentioned is more than enough to keep people interested. You're one of the most popular professors at this school. Therefore, we will discuss your suspension tomorrow."

She suddenly turned to me and I felt unease. "And with you, Miss Lee. I'm afraid I'm going to have to revoke your scholarship." Dread hit me like a sack of bricks. "President Jung you cant.", I pleaded. "It's the only way I'll be able to pay for this school."
"Well you should've thought of that before behaving the way you did."
"But we did nothing to deserve such punishment."
"Rumors start when the truth is altered slightly."
"Are you calling us liars?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I'm sorry but I just don't think it's fair to ignore our sides of the story."
"You have time to explain tomorrow. I hope these events are a wake up call to you both."
"But President Jung-"
"I've said all I have to say. We'll discuss your status tomorrow. Good day."
"Please I-"
"I said good day."

Taeho slammed his fist on his desk as soon as the doors closed behind President Jung. "Somin, I'm sorry.", Taeho said in frustration. "This whole thing is spiraling out of control." His face grew redder by the second. "I'm going to try and find President Jung.", he said walking past me.

I quickly grabbed hold of his wrist. "Hey.", I said calmly. "Look at me." Taeho met my eyes and took a deep breath. "I get that you're angry but-"
"But what? I'm about to get suspended but more importantly you're about to lose your scholarship."
"We can try and explain the truth tomorrow."
"The truth? And what exactly is the truth?"
"That you and I have zero feelings toward each other."
"You have no idea, do you?"
"No idea about what? Your feelings? You're not interested in me."

Taeho clenched his jaw. "You know I try and tell myself I'm not.", he said looking down. "But for some reason it can't seem to work." He excused himself and I was left speechless. The doors slamemd shut and I was now standing alone in that quiet auditorium.


Apologies for the long hiatus. The last 6 month have been filled with extreme life changes. What with graduating high school and finishing a semester of college, moving out, and just a lot of soul searching in general. Cheesy I know. However, it's been an interesting and time consuming ride. Hopefully, you guys aren't too upset about the lack of updates and explanation. This series will continue and hopefully end in satisfaction for both sides (Team Jungkook and Team Taeho). Happy reading!


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