Chapter 13 (part 1)

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The cold wind attacked my bare arms so I found myself conveniently distracted when we walked to the chicken restaurant. ...I should've brought a jacket, I thought. I rubbed my hands over my forearms in hopes to warm myself a little. Jungkook must've noticed as our five minutes of silence was finally broken. "...You cold?", he stupidly asked.

"No. I'm sweating bullets.", I replied. "Of course I'm cold." I heard Jungkook's sigh and soon my vision was blocked by his jean jacket. I stopped in my tracks to take it off my head. At this point, he had already walked a few feet ahead of me. "I don't need this.", I said matching his pace.

"Your shivering kinda means you do.", he said walking faster. I sped up and grabbed his arm to stop. "I'm fine without your jacket.", I said transferring it to his hand. He turned around and dusted the jacket off. "I'm not asking you to do it for my sake, but to do it for yours.", he said draping it over my shoulders. "Getting sick means you miss class. You and I both know that can't happen, so stop being stubborn."

I wanted to refuse again but his jacket was annoyingly warm. Dammit. This jacket is amazing..., I thought. I forced myself to surrender and slipped my arms through. It fell just past my knees and I tucked my hands in its pockets. "It's on. Happy?" I pushed past Jungkook and he followed behind.

After more agonizing silence, we finally reached the chicken restaurant. I watched as guests were pouring in and out. "You guys are packed.", said Jungkook to the host. She suddenly handed us a small menu. "We get really busy at night.", she said. "But luckily, there's a couples exception. Follow me."

We followed her to a far corner filled with smaller tables. "Since more people come as large groups, we get maxed out.", she said setting up the small table. "But we have extra tables open for smaller parties: aka couples and single members. Enjoy!"

"Oh, but we're not a couple.", I said. Our host suddenly chuckled. "Miss... I don't mean romantically. I meant party size, like two people or less." HOW. EMBARRASING., I thought. Jungkook snorted as our host walked away. "Wouldn't it be easier to just wear a sign that says we broke up?", he teased.

My cheeks burned. And I continue to act like an idiot..., I thought. "I could do without your side comments.", I snapped. "And aren't you forgetting we have hungry friends back at the apartment? This table could be given to a real couple."
"So you wanna go back outside to wait? Hell no."
"If you're so cold, then take the jacket back."
"For the last time, no. You wear it."
"Why are you so adamant about me wearing this? I'm not going to get sick because of a little wind exposure."
"Why can you never accept a simple gestu–"
"Because I don't need it. That's–"
"God, you're so stubbor–"
"I really want you to stop say–"

"Um. A-Are you two ready to order?" The waitress smiled awkwardly with a pen and notepad in hand. Again. How embarrassing, I thought. "U-Uh, yeah.", said Jungkook looking at the menu. "...We'll get the large 4-Flavor Combo meal and the Spicy-Regular Combo. To go. Please."
"Okay. Any drinks?"
"Four colas–"

"–And an iced wat–"
"One iced wate–"

Wow. We did it again., I thought. She looked at both of us and smiled. "And one iced water.", she repeated. "We'll get that order ready." She collected our menus and left us in more painstaking silence. "You brought money, right?", I asked breaking the silence. Jungkook nodded and pointed to the jacket. "It should be in one of those pockets."

I rummaged for a wallet in the seemingly hundreds of pockets this jacket had. I felt leather and pulled out a brown wallet. "Here.", I said holding it out. Jungkook just looked at it. "You do it."
"God, you're so lazy."
"You have the wallet. It's counter productive to hand it to me."

I was getting tired of the arguing so I just listened. I searched for some bills but came across an old high school photo instead. It was his third year ID photo and I used all the willpower in me to keep myself from smiling. His bangs were so messy then, I thought. "Are you laughing because I'm broke?", interrupted Jungkook. I quickly tucked the photo back in place and pulled out a couple bills. "No. Your wallet has more content than mine.", I said putting it back in one of the pockets.

"Then there's nothing to smile at.", said Jungkook holding his hand out. "Give it." I reluctantly gave the wallet and he inspected it. "I find out you robbed me and our next stop will be the... police... station..." Jungkook's voice trailed off. With the expression on his face, I knew he caught glimpse of the high school photo.

"...Yup...It's all there...", he said closing the wallet. The awkward silence returned but thankfully the waitress came back only minutes later. "I'm so sorry.", she said setting some side dishes on the table. "Due to so many orders, you'll have to wait an extra 30 minutes. But here are some complementary sides while you wait. Again, I apologize."

Great! More awkwardness to endure, I thought. "No worries.", said Jungkook. She left with a smile and Jungkook groaned. "...Is it just me, or is it getting stuffy in here?", he asked immediately standing up. "I'm gonna take a walk to pass the time... You're... free to join. Only if you want." I got up without much hesitation. "Some fresh air would be nice.", I said.




We walked down the street and a cool breeze blew past. "Is it just me or did the weather get worse?", I said rubbing my hands together. Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were 'fine' in the cold?", he asked sarcastically. "Not to mention you're wearing my jacket."
"That cold was different than this cold. Plus I didn't ask for your stupid jacket. You practically forced me to wear this."
"Just admit you were wrong and I was right."
"I'm not admitting anything to you."

My tone came out harsher than anticipated. "You know I thought your stubbornness would change over the years?", he asked with hostility. Sensing a change in atmosphere, my words grew sharper as well. "And I thought your temper would change.", I replied. "But that would explain all the recent fights I heard you got into."
"Will you stop acting like you're so perfect and entitled all the time?"
"The only entitled one is you."
"You know, I'm no longer guilty for choosing to go to Japan. A year away from this dump would really open my eyes."
"Good. It'll make things easier for me to forget you even existed."

I could tell my words cut deep because all Jungkook did was scowl at me. His furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips reminded me of his high school self—full of anger and so much pain. He turned his head without a word and violently kicked a nearby garbage can, knocking it over.

It startled a few passerby and I quickly apologized to them. Jungkook, however, just stood in silence. "It's obvious we both have a lot to work on.", I said glaring. I came closer and he finally managed to look me in the eyes. "It's a shame, really."
"I don't need your condescending pity."
"Well what you do need is a little humility. I can't believe you're still acting like a child after causing a scene like that."
"Well that's what happens when a person has flaws, Somin. Something you wouldn't understand."
"What is with you?"
"What's with me? Try being a fuck-up and you'll understand perfectly."

"You wished I was never part of your life, right? Well, congrats. It's coming true tonight.", said Jungkook pushing past me. I turned around and watched as his back disappeared in the distance.

My Delinquent Teacher: BOOK 3 || Jeon Jungkook [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя