Chapter 12

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"WHY would you do that?", asked Jungkook. His glaring eyes were intimidating but I refused to falter. "I did what I thought was best.", I snapped back. He laughed in disbelief.
"What you thought was best? So you're really just gonna act like you and I didn't happen?"
"But isn't that what you want? You made it VERY clear last night."
"What are you talking about?"
"'Oh hey Somin, by the way, I started dating again. You cool with that?' Sounds like 'she's ancient history' to me."
"There you go again assuming things when it's not-"

"I'm back with some drinks!", interrupted Daeun. "I know you two don't want alcohol tonight so I brought water." She placed two cups on the table in front of the couch we sat on. "Looks like you two are getting along pretty well.", she said taking a seat next to Jungkook. "Anything in common?"

I refused to look at Jungkook. "Yeah a lot more than you think.", he said. He better keep his mouth SHUT, I thought. "And believe it or not, we even went-" Afraid he was going to say "out", I reached for one of the water cups. "—TO THE SAME SCHOOL— what the hell Somin?"

"Somin!", yelled Daeun. She sprang up and quickly rushed to the kitchen to grab some napkins. Luckily, no one really cared enough about the situation so I wasn't as embarrassed as I should have been. Water dripped down Jungkook's face and he angrily pulled up his shirt to wipe the residue. "Is this the payback I get for doing absolutely nothing wrong?" I slammed the cup back down on the table. "I just didn't want you say anything to her.", I said standing up.

Jungkook grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down. "Well I didn't.", he said staring at me. "I get you want to protect your friend's feelings, but lying isn't gonna help anyone." I reluctantly shook his hand off. "It'll help Daeun.", I said. "...Daeun likes you. A lot. And if she finds out about us, it'll crush her."
"So you're suggesting that I continue meeting her? Somin, she's your friend. I can't do that to you."
"And what? Ruin her happiness as well as yours? I'm not gonna let some 'girl code' get in the way."
"You mean you're not bothered at all by this?"
"I'm only as bothered as you are. I'm not bothered one bit."

Moving on was a torturous feeling but I couldn't take away Daeun's joy. She'd been gushing about Jungkook since they first met and after so many failed relationships, she finally got to meet someone genuine. It was unfair for our past to get in the way of that.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me. "...You don't know me at all.", he replied. "Maybe moving on was for the best, huh?" His words cut through me like a knife. "From now on we're strangers. EXACTLY how you want it to be."

Daeun finally returned with a few paper towels in hand. "I can't believe you did that..." She dried the remaining water drips and set the used paper towels on the table. "I'm so sorry. Somin couldn't contain her excitement after seeing you again." Jungkook glanced at me. "It's been so long.", he said. "In fact, it's like we're meeting for the first time."




"Isn't it nice that we all get to meet up after so long?", asked Jino. Jungkook sat silently on the couch and I picked at my food trying to avoid eye contact. Sohyun slapped the kitchen table and groaned. "Ugh, you guys are so lame. Mina's visiting after two years and you're gonna act like children?"

Jungkook and I exchanged glances. "You know Mina isn't gonna take shit from either of you? Especially since you both refused to tell her you guys unnecessarily broke up.", she continued. Jino patted Sohyun's back. "Calm down. They'll work it out eventually.", he said.

"No, I don't think we will.", chimed Jungkook. "Considering I'm currently dating someone else." Sohyun craned her neck at Jungkook. "You what?", she asked quietly. Jungkook leaned back in the couch and shook his head. "Nevermind...", he said.
"No, no. Go on."
"I said nevermind."
"Spill it."

Jungkook kept silent as Sohyun inched closer with arms crossed. "You really have the nerve to go out with someone else?", she asked. Jungkook rolled his eyes in response. "You act like what I'm doing is so wrong.", he snapped. "If Somin were to date someone else I wouldn't bat an eye. Why? Because we have respect for each other's decisions." Sohyun turned to look at me. "Well? Do you?", she asked.
"...Do I what?"
"Do you respect his decision?"

I looked at Jungkook with uncertainty. Am I really okay with this?, I thought. "I-" Suddenly, the doorbell rang followed by Mina's muffled voice behind the door. "I'll get it.", sighed Jino. Sohyun unfolded her arms and groaned. "Perfect timing!", she yelled. "We'll talk about this situation later. Just make this visit memorable for Mina, alright?"

Jino opened the door and Mina rushed in hugging him immediately. "I missed you all so much!", she said squeezing him. Sohyun opened her arms. "How dare you hug him before me.", she said. Mina released her grip on Jino and hugged Sohyun.

We locked eyes over Sohyun's shoulder and Mina flashed a toothy grin. "Somin..." She threw her arms around me and tightened. "Geez, did you train or something? Your grip is so strong.", I said in shock. Jino nodded in agreement. "Right? I thought I was the only one who thought that."

"Now where's your delinquent boyfriend?" Jungkook sheepishly inched closer and Mina pulled him a tight hug. "What's with the awkwardness? It's only been two years.", she asked. Jungkook slowly patted her back. "An eventful two years...", he said.

Sohyun loudly cleared her throat. "Well, what's a reunion without any food?", she asked. "Let's order something." Mina set her luggage in the living room and plopped on the couch. "I'm feeling something really greasy. How about you guys?" Jungkook sat on one of the living room chairs. "Like-"

"Fried chicken?"
"Fried chicken?"

I met eyes with Jungkook and we both scoffed. "Copycat much?", I muttered. Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so I can't eat fried chicken either?", he asked. "Okay! Let's order fried chicken down the street.", interrupted Sohyun. "And I vote for the two lovebirds to go get it." Jino immediately opened front door. "I second that. Off you two go.", he said motioning for us to go outside.

"I'm not gonna get chicken if we can just phone an order.", I protested. Sohyun shot a glare. "Some fresh air isn't gonna hurt anyone. Now go." Jungkook stood up without a word and walked out the door. "Sohyun—"
"Somin just go. Please?"

I sighed and reluctantly followed.

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