Chapter 6

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"What did you just say?", I asked catching up to him. Taeho ignored me and continued on. "Slow down...", I said walking alongside him.

We stopped at the main doors and he pulled out an entrance card from his back pocket. He slid it between the metal key slot right beside the doors and my mouth dropped when it beeped.

He really wasn't kidding...

He raised an eyebrow, as if to say 'I told you so'. It's been over a year and a half since I lived in the building. There was no way I wouldn't have noticed him.

Unless... he knew we lived in the same building. Dick! I forgot to tell him my address, yet he somehow managed to get here. I bet he knew all along and avoided me this whole time.

I must've been quiet for too long. "You zone out here, you zone out during class.", Taeho said, snapping his fingers in my face. "You better not do this during the presentation or you'll get lower than an F."
"There's no such thing.", I said snapping my fingers back.
"Well, I'm the professor so I get to decide."
"That's called a dictatorship. You can't just change the rules because you hate me."

Taeho furrowed his eyebrows. "I hate the word hate, Miss Lee. I'd prefer the term, highly disliked."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Fine. Glad that this feeling is mutual.", I said.



Jungkook jumped in front of me and my legs suddenly gave out. I clutched at Jungkook's forearms and his snickering echoed in the apartment's corridor.

"You asshole!" I yelled punching his bicep. Jungkook pulled me into a tight hug and squeezed. "I had to. I'm sorry.", he said planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Kisses won't do any good.", I said pinching his cheek. "I don't even know why you showed up anyways. I have a huge project to present tomorrow." Jungkook shrugged and rested his head on my shoulder. "I missed you. That's all." It infuriates me how cute this man is.

"...I missed you too." I said patting his back. "But this project requires focus. And I need to prove to Professor Im that I'm not some boring bimbo." Jungkook picked up his head and stared at me. "Let's just watch one movie and I promise I'll leave."

What could I do? Say no? Even if I wanted to say no, Jungkook would convince me otherwise. So in the end, we watched Home Alone... 1, 2, and 3.

When the third movie finished, Jungkook yawned and dug his face into my lap. "Time to sleep.", he said curling up into a ball. I grabbed a nearby pillow and smacked his face. "I told you I have a presentation!", I yelled. "How did we watch THREE Home Alone movies? I'm so screwed for tomorrow, Jungkook."

Jungkook sat up and held my face. "Hey. Who was valedictorian again?", he asked staring directly at me. "You. You're more than capable of acing that presentation. So, would it kill you to take a little break sometimes?"
"...I guess you're right.", I said. "But this isn't just some high school presentation."
"Is this really about the presentation or impressing your professor?"
"The presentation. Obviously..."

It was too obvious I was lying. Professor Im was the sole reason I put so much effort into this presentation and deep down Jungkook knew that. He sighed and patted my head. "You work too hard sometimes.", he said. "But I guess that's your charm."

"If it makes you feel better, why don't you practice on me.", he said standing up. He cleared his throat and did an impression of Professor Im. "Miss Lee.", he said in a monotone voice. "I'm expecting a lot from this."

He was good. Too good. Jungkook's impression was enough to fill my stomach with butterflies. "I'm not doing this.", I said. Jungkook ignored me and set my laptop down in front of me. "You need to get over your nerves."

"Ugh. Fine.", I said stumbling in front of the TV. Projecting the biochemistry presentation on the TV, I began my introduction. "G-Good evening everyone. I'm here to present the components of harmful biofuels." I made it to the halfway point but Jungkook's piercing stare affected me more than it should have.

"Must you stare like that?", I asked. Jungkook didn't break character and replied, "Miss Lee, this is a presentation. Please be professional."

This guy is unbelievable...

I rolled my eyes. "Miss Lee, your attitude is unacceptable!", he yelled. "This is an outrage! How dare you come in here and disrespect your teacher?"

His overreaction made me snort. Jungkook laughed hysterically and I followed suit. "This is so stupid.", I said wiping my tears.

Jungkook came closer and hugged me. "You mean it's stupid for you to worry so much when you can just laugh it off." I looked up at him and smiled. "Just relax, crack some jokes, and show Professor Im who's boss. I know you can do this.", he said. "Do you know you can do this?"

He's right. I'm so going to ace that presentation. Just you wait, Professor Im.


"God evening everyone. Great to see all the seats are filled for once.", said Taeho rolling up his sleeves.

"Is it me, or does Professor Im look a little tired today?", asked Daeun leaning over. Daeun pointed out his seemingly messy hair and bags under the eyes. "Either he was up grading papers, or he got busy last night.", she giggled.

"I doubt it." Taeho hated relationships so it wouldn't make sense if he had a girlfriend. And he brought me home last night so there's no way he slept with anyone. Unless, Taeho was secretly a Casanova and his bland personality just overshadowed his skill of seduction.


"There's no way.", I repeated. Daeun suddenly pulled out a stick of gum and unwrapped it. "Either way, he still looks good.", she said handing me some gum. "When I get no sleep, I look like a zombie."

I looked at Daeun like she was crazy. Daeun was a natural beauty: slim figure, short, brown curly hair, doe eyes. She screamed 'cute'. There's no way she'd look bad. "You are delirious.", I said shaking my head.


Taeho finished lecturing about something I couldn't understand and presentations finally began. He had a baseball hat with a bunch of names written on a piece of paper and he drew the first one.

Please. Don't let it be me. Don't let it be me.

Taeho cracked a little smile and held the strip of paper up. "Lee Somin.", he said loud and clear.

All eyes turned to me and I suddenly felt Daeun patting my back. "Good luck", she said giving me the thumbs up. I wished her smile eased my tensions but it didn't. My stomach felt like exploding.

"I need you to be on standby because I don't feel so good.", I said before making my way to the front of the auditorium.

My Delinquent Teacher: BOOK 3 || Jeon Jungkook [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum