Chapter 11

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I plopped in the passenger seat and huffed. Men are annoying, I thought. How could Jungkook tell me that after not seeing each other for so long? Taeho glanced in my direction after starting the car's engine. "I was beginning to think you ditched my free ride.", he said.

I clicked my seatbelt in. "Oh so it's free after all?", I asked sarcastically. Taeho shook his head and an awkward silence passed. "—Are you okay?", he suddenly asked. I leaned my head against the window and smiled as if nothing bothered me. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I'm not sure seeing your ex after ranting about him hours prior screams 'okay'."

I knew there was no point in hiding with Taeho. "Fine. You got me.", I said straightening my back. "He had the NERVE to ask me if I was okay with him going out again. Can you believe that?" Taeho scoffed as he made a right turn. "I think it's pretty common courtesy to ask.", he said. "You had a chance to say you weren't... but I assume you said it was fine. Am I correct?"

Taeho nodded with pride after I kept silent. "Looks like my assumptions are correct." There's was no response I could say anyways. Yeah we both moved on supposedly, but Jungkook acted like we had zero history. How could I not be a little hurt?

We soon reached the apartment complex and Taeho found a space by the entrance. "...Remember when I said heartbreak and I don't mix well?", asked Taeho pulling the parking brake. "Though this is none of your business, I'd be willing share how I managed to move on." I scoffed. "Okay Mr. Psychology. What exactly do I have to do?", I mocked.

He ignored my sarcasm and held up three fingers. "Three steps: One. Understand it's not your fault; Two. Appreciate the memories; And finally three-" Taeho suddenly glanced down and sighed. "-Learn that it's okay to lean on others."

Taeho's expression grew sullen but it only lasted for a second. "If you follow these steps then the pain will subside. 100% success rate." The conversation made me curious about his ex. But noticing his slight tension, I decided not to press about the details. "I'd like to see the results of the case study in your research.", I said trying ease the tension.

Luckily it worked. "You don't need a case study if there's living proof right here.", he said pointing to himself. I raised a finger a finger as well. "Be sure to make room for one more if your tips actually work."
"The spot's already reserved."
"Well I'm very lucky, aren't I?"
"Just get out of the car, Miss Lee."
"Will do, Professor."

Taeho rolled his eyes before exiting. "Thanks again for the free ride.", I said stepping out of the car. "Hopefully you managed to clear your mind tonight.", he said putting both hands in his pockets. "I expect to see a fully rested and functioning honor student once class starts tomorrow."

And as if a switch had gone off, Taeho's usual cold personality returned. "That means NO sleeping in class, NO copying notes, and most definitely NO crying. Understand?"

I nodded in response. "Today has been far from formal, so I apologize if I overstepped my boundaries... Again. And promise not too hold everything in to the point of breaking down. Understood?" His genuine concern made me think of him less like an asshole and more of a friend. Or professional peer.

"Okay, mom.", I said bowing. "I understand." Taeho relaxed his tense shoulders. "Very well, Miss Lee. See you tomorrow." He gave one last nod before we parted ways.




"Today we'll be covering the intermediary metabolism." Collective groans resounded in the auditorium. "As boring as this chapter might be for some of you, I've created a project that requires more creativity." The word "creativity" suddenly piqued interest in most of the students, especially Daeun. "A project that's not a lengthy presentation? Is this the same Professor Im?", she whispered.

"You have freedom to pair up with students in the art department to replicate the system with any medium. Or work alone. I don't care as long as it's well made and professional." A female student in the front row suddenly raised a hand. "Why a creative project all of a sudden? I thought your syllabus specified presentations and reports only?", she asked.
"...I've come to realize that I ask too much of you guys. Hard work pays off but I didn't take into account any... personal situations you guys go through. Hopefully this project will ease a little anxiety and stress you may be feeling."

Everyone's mouths hung open. Even mine. Taeho never tolerated 'childish' ways of learning so this sudden project was kind of alarming. "No way is that the REAL Professor Im.", said Daeun in utter shock.

Taeho continued explaining the directions and soon transitioned onto the routine lecture. Class eventually ended and everyone left the auditorium in disbelief.

"I still can't believe he's gone all soft.", said Daeun packing her things. I tucked my biochem book under my arm and chuckled. "Well I'm definitely not complaining."
"This project is probably worth more than the presentation. Bet."
"I'm not betting anything because I know it's true."

Daeun's eyes suddenly widened. "Oh I totally forgot to tell you!", she exclaimed. "Remember the 'date' with that guy? Well everything worked out and he invited me to a party."
"Aw I'm so happy for you!"
"And he said I could bring some friends along."

Daeun poked my arm and smiled.

"No. No... I can't-"
"Somin, please. A college party? We HAVE to go together."
"You know that's not my thing."
"It isn't mine either. But he'll be there and I need someone for support."
"...Alright!... I'll go."




Attending some party was innocent enough. I wasn't forced to drink like that crappy blind meeting with Seungmin and the songs playing weren't the worst. I had fun. For the most part.

I went solely to support Daeun and planned to stay for that reason. I was enjoying every bit of such a crucial college experience... Until the last person I expected to hurt me more than Jungkook was Daeun herself.




I stood by the pool table and watched two drunk college kids fail at beer pong. Suddenly, I felt a light tap on my shoulder followed by Daeun's voice. "Here's the guy I've been talking about all this time!", she exclaimed.

I turned around and like a deer in headlights, I froze. The impact of seeing Jungkook linked arms with Daeun was enough to induce overpowering nausea.

Jungkook's expression was a mirror image of mine— complete horror. We stood staring in utter silence before Daeun interjected. "Don't be shy. Introduce yourselves.", she said oblivious to the entire situation. Jungkook's mouth opened but I spoke before any of his words came out.

"Nice to meet you.", I said faking a smile. "I'm Lee Somin."

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