Chapter 13 (part 2)

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"Where are those two?" Mina rubbed her growling stomach and whined. "This isn't how you treat a guest..." Along with Mina's complaints, Sohyun's impatient tapping resounded in the kitchen. "I shouldn't have sent those two idiots out.", she muttered. "They're probably strangling each other..."

Knock Knock.

"Finally!" Mina jumped up from the couch and ran to the door. Jungkook pushed past, followed by a trail of chicken aroma. He slammed the food down and proceeded to grab beer from Sohyun's fridge . "Hello to you too...", said Mina shutting the door. "Uh...Where's Somin?"

Jungkook popped the beer cap off and it landed across the room. "Beats me.", he said before chugging half the bottle. Sohyun groaned and snatched the bottle out of Jungkook's hand. "Where did she go?", she asked. Jungkook pursed his lips before speaking. "Don't know and don't care. You wanna find out so badly, why don't you just call her? You have hands right?"
"Excuse me?"
"You know what forget it. I got the food so I don't even need to be here anymore. Welcome back Mina. You sure as hell came at the worst time though."

Jungkook patted Mina's shoulder before brushing past her. The door slammed shut and Mina turned to Sohyun furious. "What the hell was that?", she yelled. Sohyun hung her head and apologized. "They broke up a while ago.", said Jino. "We didn't want your visit to be ruined so we thought it'd be best if we didn't tell you."
"Well it certainly would've been better than this shit show."
"Mina we're really sorry."
"Look. It doesn't really matter because I could feel the weird energy when I stepped in the room. I just wanna know what happened."




"I'll have a whiskey."

"So you do drink after all?" I turned to my left and Taeho was sitting at the end of the bar. "...Only when it's necessary.", I replied. I spotted another glass sitting next to his left hand. "You finally with someone else or just begging for a terrible hangover?" My little quip actually sparked a smile. "Decided to get out of my comfort zone a little bit so I agreed to a date."

I took a sip of my whiskey and sat a few chairs over. "Well, I'm glad to know your love life is working out." I suddenly remembered Jungkook's outburst and took another sip. "I never said the date was going well.", Taeho replied. Taeho held up his hand. The watch he wore shine in the light, blinding me in the process. "She kept staring at this the whole time.", he continued. "Asked me about my income... family history... etc. I told her it wasn't going to work out so she stormed off... leaving a perfectly good cocktail go to waste."
"I'm sorry that happened to you."
"Eh. She was pretty hot so..."

He managed to make me chuckle and all the pent up anger slowly subsided. "You know... I tried to follow your advice.", I said. "But every time I see his face I-" I took a deep breath and yet another sip of whiskey. "It just hurts. It's hurts so much, you know?" Taeho nodded in agreement.
"Healing takes time a lot of time and effort. Regardless of how you're feeling now, just know that the future will be better. But not just yet."
"And why's that?"

Taeho ordered two shots and slid one to me. "Because tomorrow, we're both going regret this night." He held up his shot glass and I followed. "Cheers.", he said with a charming smile. "To moving on."




"Is there a reason you called me back here?", I asked. Mina pulled me into Sohyun's apartment and Jungkook was silently sitting at the kitchen table. "Yeah. To fix this mess.", she said forcing me to sit down. Jungkook and I avoided eye contact and Sohyun groaned. "You two are being ridiculous.", she said.

"I'm sorry. I can't focus with the threatening glare he keeps giving me.", I snapped. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "Well I refuse to listen to someone who thinks she's better than everyone els-"
"You know what your problem-"
"I don't have a problem, the only one-"
"No I'm not going to liste-"
"Why can't you just-"

"ENOUGH.", yelled Jino. "I can't even hear myself think with you two acting like complete children." The room was now dead silent. "We called you two so you can stop this nonsense. Whatever happened to staying civil with each other?" Jino sighed. "We're gonna to leave you two to talk this out. Now if I see anything broken, out of place, etc, I'll be very upset. And you don't wanna see me upset." Jino left the apartment and Sohyun followed after. Mina patted my back before leaving as well.

To my surprise, Jungkook broke the suffocating silence. "...They're right. We're being idiots." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I convinced myself crying was useless but every emotion I felt when we broke up returned. "I don't understand why we're like this. Everything was just... perfect. And then it all turned to shit."
"Not everything can be perfect, Somin, and that's what you have to realize. I tried... I tried to keep you happy and myself too but... nothing worked."
"What're you talking about? I was extremely happy to be with you."
"But I wasn't..."
"Not with you but with myself. You, Sohyun, Jino, Mina- all of you- have a goal and things to live for. You're smart, caring, so well rounded, and most of all you have dreams of becoming someone. I don't and that's what makes us... different."
"Jungkook, you have as much potential to be somebody like every successful person out there. Please, understand that."
"It's not that simple, when someone like you has everything figured out. You think I wanted to end our relationship? No. Because I love you, Somin. So much. But you don't deserve a failure like me to distract you from reaching that goal."
"Jungkook, I-"
"That's why I wanted to move away and work on myself. That's why I started dating someone to keep myself from thinking about you every single day. Because every time I see you, I think I could never live up to be someone you'd be proud of."
"You're delusional if you think that. I don't think you understood how much you shaped me to be the person I am today. I was stuck up, rigid, and refused to listen to anyone but myself. But because of you, I learned to grow. Why can't you do the same with me?"
"I don't know, Somin. I don't know..."

It was clear Jungkook had lost his sense of self. I guess understanding his true feelings allowed me to accept that moving on was in fact for the better— for the sake of his and for mine. I slowly stood up and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry.", I said squeezing him. "I'm sorry."


Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been very busy with family and school; But, I'm finally done and ready to continue with the updates. For those asking, yes this is the final book of the series. However, this will be a little longer than the previous books. Thanks so much for the support, and again, thank you for being patient!

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