Chapter 16

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"Somin you will be our last runner." My eyes grew wide as Professor Moon pointed to the last marker placed at the end of the track field. I spotted Jungkook and a few others stretching by the marker and my concerns grew. If Professor Moon expected a scrawny girl like myself to go up against Jungkook, she'd wind up in major disappointment; And disappointment meant inevitable shame for the Chemistry Club. "Professor Moon... Is there anyone else you can put on last place?", I begged.

She raised an eyebrow and I immediately regretted asking. She was a delicate looking woman but her stare sent chills down my spine. "Y-You know what- Never mind I said anything..." She suddenly placed her clipboard on the nearby lawn chair. "Somin, I'm not evil. I wouldn't purposely pair you up with Rowoon. We did a random draw this year so, unfortunately, you're up against him."


"R-Rowoon? So... I'm not going up against Jungkook?" Professor Moon shook her head. "Oh no. Jungkook is participating in the Teacher vs. Student basketball tournament later. In fact, it'd be better if he was in Rowoon's place..."
"...What do you mean?"
"Somin, did you not know that Rowoon holds the National title for track and field?"

So rather than a disappointing defeat it'd become a humiliating one? Professor Moon noticed my expression change and she patted my shoulder. "I'm sure you know how badly I want to win.", she said. "But don't worry about me. Just have fun and do your best okay? I'm not expecting you to be Usain Bolt." She smiled and resumed her duties as coordinator.

I wanted to try, I really did, but Rowoon's speed was quadruple mine. 'Chemistry Killers' were in the lead and the moment the baton was passed to me I actually thought I could outrun the National Champion. Well dreams aren't reality and he zoomed by before I could even grasp my surroundings. As predicted, I ended the race in defeat. "Point 3 for the Business Team!", screamed the loudspeaker.

"Somin you did great!", yelled Professor Moon. She wiped the sweat off of my head and handed me a water bottle. Daeun soon joined me and gave a high five. "You did better than we thought.", she said. I raised an eyebrow. "We?", I asked
"Oh. Jungkook, Rowwon, and I kinda made a bet on how many seconds Rowoon would outrun you. We didn't know you were that fast."

Wooooow. I wasn't going to pretend that didn't hurt my self esteem but lashing out at Daeun was the last thing I wanted to do. Instead I opted for a much lamer approach to 'cooling down' "...You know I'm a little thirsty.", I said standing up. I guess my emotions were easy to read because Daeun said, "Somin. Please don't be upset. It was a fun little joke"
"I'm not. I'm just thirsty."
"But you're already holding a water bottle..."

I set the water bottle on the ground. "Maybe I just like the metallic taste of fountain water? Bet you didn't know that about me either." I walked towards the school's main building in search of a useless water fountain I had no intention of finding. "Me and my stupid pride..." There weren't any on the first floor so I had to force my sore legs to go up the stairs. On my way up, I heard Jungkook's voice growing nearer so I stuck closer to the railing in hopes he wouldn't see me.

I assumed he and his friend didn't notice so I continued upwards. I finally spotted a fountain on the next floor and regretfully went for a sip. "Did you think I wouldn't recognize your dirty white sneakers?" I released the pressure on the fountain and looked down down at my spotty white shoes. "You've worn those same shoes since Murin High."
"I thought it best to ignore you."
"Agreed. But I should be allowed to ask if a fellow student is okay right?"
"God you sound like Taeho- I mean... Professor Im."
"Wow, on a first name basis with him already?"
"Is there a point to this conversation, Jungkook?"
"There is. Daeun said you were mad about our bet earlier. She texted me to find you and make sure you were okay."
"Why wouldn't I be okay?"
"My girlfriend's just looking out for you."
"Well, tell your girlfriend that I'm in perfect condition."

I looked down and suddenly couldn't help the tears that soon followed. Shit. "I don't even know why I'm crying right now.", I said quickly wiping them away. I knew exactly why. Jungkook seemingly held no feelings for me anymore and that fact stung like a bitch. Just the word girlfriend stung like a bitch.

But I wasn't about to humiliate myself again so I attempted a diversion. "I just can't believe you guys doubted my running ability like that.", I partially lied. Jungkook cocked his head to the side as if those weren't the words he was expecting me to say. "I just don't appreciate being insulted.", I continued. "But I'll forgive you if you apologize."

I wiped the last of my tears away. "I'm sorry for making fun of you.", he said. "But you hate sports so there's no reason for you to just cry. Now tell me the real reason that just happened."
"There's really no other reason.", I said walking towards the first step of the staircase. "No one likes being made fun of." Jungkook suddenly grabbed my hand. "Yeah, but you're different. You're seriously trying to lie to me? I can read you like an open book."
"Well for once this book has a lock on it. I'm not lyin-"

I wrongly assumed Jungkook's grip on my hand and pulled away too hard. I missed a couple steps and then silence. Everything was so sudden that I had no time to react to that painful fall. Suddenly, my ears rang and I could feel the cool linoleum floor on my cheek.

My senses were kicking in.

The excruciating pain in my right foot and elbow followed in suit. I was about to sit myself up but Jungkook prevented me. "Are you an idiot? Don't put any weight on your foot.", he yelled. I looked up at him. He held his phone up to his ear and knelt down beside me. "I'm calling an ambulance right now."

I immediately snatched his phone and hung up the call. "What is wrong with you!?", he screamed. I put his phone in my bra to prevent him from taking it. "You really think I won't try reaching there?", he asked. "Are you forgetting that we-"
"I'm ignoring that comment. Plus I have student debt and you're trying to call an ambulance? For a college student, you don't think. Call Professor Im so he can drive me."
"Well I don't have my phone so looks like the only other option is me."
"No. I'm not gonna make you miss your basketball game later."

Jungkook stared at me with a serious expression. "Remember when you found me by the dumpster all bloody and bruised?" I nodded my head in response. "You took care of me then so let me take care of you now."

My Delinquent Teacher: BOOK 3 || Jeon Jungkook [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant