i'll bring you flowers every day

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it had started a month ago now. steve would wake up, get ready to go out for his run, open the door and would find a flower placed delicately on his doormat. this was a strange occurrence to any other person, which would probably creep them out so much they would move. steve, however, found hope in this small gesture. back when he was in the 30's, bucky would bring him a flower every time he was unable to leave his house due to sickness. even during the war, bucky would desperately try to find anything that resembled a flower, weather it was just a leaf or a twig, and bring it to his best friend. steve knew buck was out there, and decided to give him space and let him be the first to make contact, not that it wasn't killing steve. he was itching to know his friend was okay, that he wasn't wounded or sitting alone somewhere, depressed. but steve gave him his space.

on this particular morning, the flower had been a sunflower. bucky's favourite. steve picked up the flower softly, took it inside and sobbed. he was usually a very strong person, he kept his emotions at bay and never let them get the better of him. this however, was the final punch to the gut. he couldn't work out weather these where tears of sadness and nostalgia that things would never be the same, or hope that his best friend would make a reappearance in his life, that their story was not over.

steve decided that today he would skip out on his run. and his meeting with tony. and his dinner with sam. he knew he shouldn't isolate himself like this, but he just didn't have the fight anymore. he lay on his sofa, wrapped in his duvet, surrounded by exactly 29 different flowers. some, like the lily and the hydrangea had started to die, their soft leaves expressing a slight brown tinge as they wilt away slowly. this broke steves heart just a little more.

steve was pulled abruptly out of his hopeless daydream by tony entering his apartment with the keys steve had given him.
"hey bud."
"so our meeting went well, ya know, the one you were supposed to be presenting. those new ideas in?" tony questions steve, eyesing the messy apartment.
"thinking about becoming a florist?" tony jokes, sending steve into sudden sobs.
"tony i- i- i miss him so much... i loved him tony, i loved him so goddamn much" steve can barely get his words out, tony stares blankly.
"i know" tony sets himself on the sofa, engulfing the taller man in his arms (this took some stretching for tony).
"things will work out cap. you gotta have a little faith. i'm guessing the flower shop on the floor has something to do with him?" steve nods into tony's shoulder.
"ya know, he could be waiting for a signal, to be sure that you actually want to see him, he's probably just nervous."
steve chuckled softly, nostalgia hitting him like a wave.

"hey stevie"
"hey buck"
"so here's the thing"
"there's this real beautiful dame... blue eyes, sandy hair, petite but god is he  feisty!"
"she i- i meant she"
"she sounds great buck"
"she is steve.. but the thing is, i just don't know how to tell her how i feel"
"she'd want to know buck. i'm sure she feels the same way, your a catch"

steve smiled fondly at the memory. of course at the time, he was completely oblivious that the following day his nervous best friend would turn up at his door, roses in hand, smiling sheepishly at his friend, declaring his love.
"i have an idea." steve sits up happily, feeling better after letting out his feelings.
"where is the nearest florist?"
tony smiles fondly, giving directions to his love-struck friend.

steve raced down the road, bumping into everyone on the way, apologising as he went. he reached the florist, bounding into the shop excitedly, asking the small florist for what he needed. he raced home again, climbing up the flights of stairs up to his apartment. he reached his floor, out of breath and sweating, noticing a figure standing on his doorstep, facing his door.

steve approached slowly, trying to convince himself that what he was seeing was real.
"buck..." the figure turns around slowly, daisy in hand. steve clamps the rose in his hand a little tighter.

"stevie, how've you been?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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