Drinking problem

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A/n: bit sad at the end, some triggers and a slight mention of suicide.
This is really long, just warning

Steve works in a bar and Bucky likes to drink away his problems.

Steve's p.o.v

I get home after a long day at the coffee shop, and all I want to do is relax. Sadly, I can't. I have a shift at Stark's bar. My best friend, tony, owns it and he offered me a job there for a little extra cash. I walk into the house and my mouth instantly waters at the smell of pie. My roommate, sam, is an amazing cook, and I always get surprised at the end of a long day with some sort of pastry of sweet treat just before I start my longs night shift at the bar. I wonder through the hallway and as I get close to the kitchen I hear people chatting. When I reach the kitchen I see sam sitting at the table with a large, muscular man with long blonde hair and a bit of stubble. Next to him is a smaller, but still tall, man with pale skin and long black hair thrown up in a messy bun, he's dressed in a black hoodie and black jeans, whereas the other man is dressed much more colourful.
"Hey sam!" I come up to the table and smile at them.
"Hey Steve! These are our new neighbours, Thor and Loki. They just moved in today so invited them in for some pie." he replies.
"Hi, I'm Steve." I smile and extend my hand for them to shake.
"Hello Steve, I am Thor and this is my brother Loki. We are excited to be your new neighbours!" The tall blonde man replies in a jolly tone. Loki shakes my hand,
"Hello darling. I'm Loki." He smiles.
"You two sure don't look like each-other" I say, noticing countless differences between them.
"I'm adopted." He says and I smile awkwardly.
"Oh, cool. Well I better head off to work, long night ahead of me. Nice to meet you guys!" I say heading upstairs to change into black skinny jeans and a black short sleeve t-shirt. I know it's boring but its what I have to wear for work. I head back downstairs and put on my brown leather jacket and open the door. The cold winter air bites my skin as I step outside, I'm glad I wore my jacket. I make my way down the street to the bar. It's only a 10 minuet walk and I'd rather not take my motorcycle. Once I reach the bar I step inside and look around. There aren't many customers yet as it is only 7:30, so that gives me a bit of time to relax before people start to arrive. I notice tony at the bar talking to some random guy.
"Hey tony!" I shout, making my way over to him.
"Hey cap, here early! that's what I like to see. This is Bruce by the way, we just met. Bruce this is Steve." He says as I stroll up to them.
"Stop calling me cap. Hi Bruce nice to meet you." I reply, glaring at tony. Everyone in high school used to call me cap because I was the captain of the football team, baseball team, swimming team and the chess team. I did a lot in high school. Tony never let the nickname go, and I Hate it.
"Hi" Bruce says, smiling slightly.
"I'm gonna get working, I'll see you later."  I smile and head behind the bar, hanging my coat up on the way, and I start to serve people.

Time goes by quickly and before I know it it's 11:30. My shift ends at 12:30 so I only have an hour to go. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when a man wonders in, stumbling a little as he makes his way over to the bar. I immediately notice how attractive he is, he has long brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. He's tall, although looks to be very skinny, almost too skinny. He reaches the bar and takes a seat.
"What can I get ya?" I say, making my way over to him.
"Vodka. Straight." He says, looking down. He looks upset.
"You got it." I say, starting to make his drink. When I'm done I put it down onto the bar in-front of him. He thanks me, then downs it and asks for another.

An hour later, he his absolutely hammered. I should have not served him anymore but I didn't realise how drunk he was getting. Everyone else has left as the bar is closing, however he is laying face down on the bar, I think he is asleep.
Tony walks in from the back and noticed me shaking the man to wake him up.
"Is that Bucky?" He says, walking up to me.
"Whose Bucky?" I ask.
"He always comes in, I guess when your not working. He does this a lot, I think he has a serious problem. Poor kid." He says, and I nod. Bucky starts to wake up and mumbles something in what sounded like, Russian?. He sits up and starts talking
"Heeey t-tony *hic* can I-i get another vodk-ka *hic*" he slurs.
"I think you've had enough buck. Do you want me to call you a cab?" Tony replies, helping him off the chair. He shakes his head.
"So farrrrr" He says. Tony sighs and looks at his watch.
"Shit- Steve I gotta go. I'm meeting Bruce. You okay with him? Just tell the cab to take him to Manhattan, that's where he lives. See ya later alligator." He says, running out the door. Him and Bruce must have got on well. Bucky staggers forward a little and almost falls on the floor, but I catch him just in time.
"What's *hic* your n-name" he says, looking up at me.
"I'm Steve."
"Steeeeeeeevveeeee." He muses, his head dropping slightly. It doesn't feel right putting him in a cab in this state, especially to Manhattan, witch is a 40 minuet drive. I decide to take him back to my place as I don't wanna leave him in a cab. I haul him up and he pus an arm around me support himself. We make our way out of the bar, and he lets go of me and throws up in a trash can. I sigh and walk over to him, when I notice he's crying. My heart breaks as he sobs on the floor, and i crouch down to help him up. It shocks me how light he is. He stands, still crying, and leans into me. "Why am I such a fuck up" He slurs, sobbing.
"I want to die *hic* please just le-ave me here I don't-" He sobs, and my heart breaks.
"Your drunk, you don't mean that."
He stays quiet, and just leans into me. I start walking home, still supporting him.

After a long, tiring walk we finally reach my house. I open the door and head into the living room. I set Bucky down on the couch and head to the closet to get a blanket.
"Take your shoes off." I say to him, setting the blanket down. I notice him struggling to untie the laces so I help him. Once his shoes are off he lays down and closed his eyes.
"G'night" he mumbles. I put the blanket over him and head upstairs. As I lay in bed I start to wonder, dose Bucky really want to die?
*in the morning*

Bucky's p.o.v

I'm woken up by the unbearable throbbing and aching in my head. I slowly open my eyes and take in my surroundings, which don't look familiar. I look to my left and see some aspirin and water on a small coffee table. I take the aspirin and down the water, only just noticing how dry my throat is. I feel a pang if sadness through my chest as I realise what happened last night. I had decided that last night would be the end of my life. I was going to down all my sleeping pills. I remember getting freaked out and heading off to a bar, but after that it's all a blur. I'm a little glad that I didn't make it home last night, as I probably would have been so drunk that I fucked it up, and not took enough. Then I would have ended up in some mental hospital or rehab clinic, again,witch would be worse.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I faint singing coming from down the hall. I slowly, and painfully, get up and head out of the lining room. I make my way down the corridor and into the kitchen, where I hear the singing. I hesitantly walk in and look around to see who was singing. I notice a very muscular blonde man standing at then stove, cooking bacon. He turns around to look at me. God he's handsome.
"Morning! I'm Steve, Steve Rodgers." He says, a little too cheery.
"Uh, Hi. Im b-Bucky. What happened last night? Where am I?" I reply quietly.
"Oh right. Well, last night, you came into the bar I work at and got drunk. Really drunk. I don't wanna put you in a cab cause I dint want anything to happen to you, and you looked kinda sad so I took you to my place so you could sleep. Bacon?." He replies.
"Oh- uh- I'm so sorry I- thank you for taking me back to yours. I'm sorr-"
"Don't apologise. It was not trouble. Well getting you back here half asleep was kinda tough but it's okay. Bacon?" He cuts me off.
"I'm not very hungry." I say, almost too quickly. And he looks at me sadly.
"Please have some. Just a little?" He pleads. I nod slowly and he hands me a plate, smiling widely. I take a seat at the breakfast bar and he sits down next to me.

After we finished, he washes up the plates and offers to drive me home. I accept and we head to his friends car, as I would probably throw up if we took his motorcycle. The ride was pleasant, we talked about ourselves, and for the first time in a longs time i felt happy. I noticed him glancing at my arms and I looked down to see that one of my sleeves had gone up a bit, exposing the cuts and scars that littered my wrists. He just smiled sadly and didn't mention anything. I was thankful for that. Once we pulled up to my apartment block, he handed me a little piece of paper with his number written on it, and next to that it said, 'if you ever need to talk, just call. -Steve x' i smiled as he drove of and headed upstairs still smiling. I hadn't smiled in a while.
Part 2????

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