The choice

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Sorry this is awful!!

Bucky's pov

They're coming. I can hear their desperate attempt at silence as they this up the dingy apartment block stairs, their heavy boots almost betraying them. I look back to him. His eyes are still on me, hope still evident yet fading fast. I close my eyes. I have two choices, one, jump through the window on the left and on from there. Ie done the calculations, I could make it. Then there's choice two. I could go with him, forcing myself to remember, like a million shards of glass to the brain, who I once was. Who we where. Before the war, before the brainwashing , before hydra. When it was just me and him. Lazy days lounging in our apartment, standing up to bully's in the playground, sneaking around clubs and bars. I have these flashes of memory's, each one more painful than the last, that tell the story of who I was.

He's still looking at me, eyes fearful. His stare burns into me as I struggle to think coherently. He glances to the pre-packed bag thrown carelessly across the dingy stained mattress I call a bed. I go over to it, picking it up, almost subconsciously, as if my Bain has decided for me. I turn back to him and he nods, signalling our exit.

I go with him. We run for miles, until we are able to Hotwire a car, his disapproving stare looming as I jump start the car. We drive for miles, making awkward conversation, the ever president elephant in the room still lurking. We where fugitives. Ex lovers. An assassin. A golden boy. Looming sexual tension. How the fuck did our lives turn into a dramatic romance novel?

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