Introducing bucky

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Set about a month after civil war, however the avengers stayed together and Steve and Tony made up. Bucky was not re-frozen.

Steve was nervous. He wanted Bucky to be a part of the avengers, and he wanted them to know him. He was nervous because the first time they met Bucky, was when they were fighting him, and that wasn't a proper introduction. After they found out that Bucky was innocent, and none of it was his fault, the avengers wanted to make amends with him and apologise. However, when Steve and Bucky came back, Bucky locked himself in his room, only talking to Steve. For a whole month, Bucky did not leave his room. Steve would go in and take food to him and keep him company, and they would have fun, but whenever he tried to get Bucky to leave, he would just go silent and shake with anxiety.

After a month of being in his room, he finally decided to come out. He wondered outside of his room and went to Steve's room. Even though they where kinda dating, Bucky was not really use to touching, so Steve agreed that at first they would have separate rooms. Bucky was getting better though, and would often give Steve hugs when he came to see him.

Bucky made his way through the hallways trying to find Steve's room. He hadn't been there but Steve had told him the way just incase. He recognised the door from Steve's description, as it had a simple white star on the door. He smiled and knocked on the door softly. After a moment, Steve opened the door and grinned widely in disbelief.
"Buck! Your out of your room!" He said, bursting with excitement.
"Hey stevie... yeah. I've been cooped up in there too long, and I've decided I'm going to introduce myself to the others, like you wanted me too." Bucky said, just as Steve pulled him into a tight hug, which Bucky did not feel scared or uncomfortable with.
"Great! You look gorgeous today by the way." Steve said, blushing slightly as their fingers intertwined.
"Thanks babe... I uh shaved my beard and washed my hair.. it was starting to get greasy." I say, also blushing. Steve just smiled and lead me out and down to the living room, our hands still locked together.
"Hey everyone, this is Bucky, my boyfriend. Most of you have probably already met him, but not probably. So.. make him feel welcome!" Steve says, getting everyone's attention.
"Hey guys... sorry I haven't been the most sociable this month but I was just thinking about things... I hope you can all forgive me." Bucky says, looking down.
"Buck.. you've done nothing wrong!" Natasha says, smiling at him.
"Greetings Steve's partner! I am thor! I don't belie we have met yet!" Thor says, jumping up and shaking buckys hand. Bucky just smiles.
"Hey, I'm bruce" brice says, waving his hand. Bucky smiles and sits down with them, and for the first time in a long time, he feels welcome.

The avengers accepted Bucky with open arms, and two months later, he went on his first mission as an avenger.

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