Your the best part of my day

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Lil au where Steve works in Starbucks.

*steves p.o.v*

He comes in every day and orders a coffee with cream and no sugar, and a shortbread cookie. I cherish our short moments where he comes up to order and asks me how my days going, and they eyes contact he makes when he reads the encouraging message I have written on the cup. He always smiles sadly and blushes, his blue eyes shining. It first started about a month ago, when he came in looking really sad, I immediately felt like I needed to cheer him up. I was intrigued, he looked to have one arm. The first time, I wrote on his cup 'your cute.' After that day, he kept coming in, looking sad or upset, so I memorised his order and when he comes in, I write something to make him feel better. I learned that his name was bucky.

Today however, he hasn't shown up. He usually comes in at 8:30, and it's 3:45 now. I'm starting to get worried, I hope he is safe and well. I keep telling myself that he's probably just had the day off work, he's fine, but my brain won't stop worrying that his pretty blue eyes are somewhere, crying, alone. I'm just about to end my shift when I hear the door open, and my heart breaks at the sight. It's Bucky, but he looks disheveled. His usually perfectly styled short hair looks ruffled and messy, his clothes look like they had been thrown on in a hurry, and his face was tear stained. He comes up to the counter and looks up at me.
"Hey- are you okay?" I say, my voice trying not to break.
"I'm fine." He sniffles.
"Usual order please." He says, going to take a seat. My heart breaks. Who did this to him?

After I've made his coffee, I bring it over to his table and put it down. I take a seat opposite him.
"You're not okay. Tell me what's wrong." I say, in a soothing voice.
"My- uh- my boss fired me. Said it's too much of a hassle employing someone who's handicapped. I tried telling him it's not my fault and I'm just as good at my job as the other workers- but no. He said it's too much of a risk. What does that even mean?" He rants, holding back tears. I take his hand in mine.
"It's okay buck. Your boss in an asshole. You can't be discriminated against like that, it's not fair." I say, smiling sadly at him.
"Thanks steve- i better go. I've got to look for a job. Thanks for listening while I rant."
"That's okay, see you soon." I say, and he gets up to leave. When he's outside, i see his eyes light up as he reads the message I left for him on the cup.
'Call me if you ever need to talk, Steve xx
*left number*

The next day, he comes in again, still looking upset. He comes up and says hello and orders.
'Your the best part of my day'

This happens for a week, him coming in at random times with tear stained eyes. Finally, I can't take it anymore. I go over to take his coffee to him and sit down.
"Hey bucky. I can't see you like this anymore. I wish you where happy. Would you maybe consider getting a job here? I know we are hiring and I could look after you here and-"
"Are you serious? Thy would be amazing!"
His eyes light up and I go to my manager, tony, and explain Bucky's situation with his old boss. Luckily, tony is a nice guy and decides to hire Bucky immediately.
He started his job there and a week later, we went on our first date, and he smiled the whole way through.

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