I remember

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Before civil war, but after catws. Bucky is living in Romania.

Bucky's p.o.v

I'm wake up in the middle of the night, crying. I don't know why I'm crying, I just am. This happens a lot, random crying outbursts or sudden panic attacks. Although this time something feels different. I feel different. A sudden pain in my head pulls me out of my crying fit. I see a flash of someone in my head. I know him, his name is Steve. We used to share a bed... We used to fight together... I left him to go to war. I remember him. We where best friends. I get up and go to my closet, and pull out my notebook. When captain America told me that we used to know each other, I didn't believe him. But some part of me didn't let me kill him. I couldn't do it. So I researched him, and I found out we where best friends. I knew we where best friends, but I didn't remember him. Now I do.. and we where not just best friends, we where lovers. When I escaped hydra, I thought about going to him, but I was to ashamed of what I had done as the winter soldier to approach the righteous man the museums said was my friend. I open my notebook and start reading. I've done this a lot, but For the first time it all makes sense.

When I finish reading all the information I have about him, I have a thought. I need to go back to him. I love him. I miss him. I get a bag out from the closet and start packing some clothes. Once I've finished, I head to my emergency money that I hid under the floorboards. When I escaped hydra, I took some money they where hiding in a vault. It should be enough to get me to America. I get dressed in a long sleeve red top, black jeans and worn out converse. I tie my hair in a messy bun and head out to the airport.

Once I arrive at the airport, I buy a ticket to New York and give them my passport. When I arrived in Romania, not knowing who I was, I decided to get a passport, just incase I needed to leave in a hurry. I found a guy who made them illegally and I got one with a fake name. It was clearly believable, as they accepted it and let me on the plane. It was a long journey so I decided to get some sleep.

I was woken up by the man sitting next to me, telling me that we had arrived. I thanked him and grabbed my bag and left the plane. Once I got through the airport I headed off to the taxi rank. I asked the taxi to take me to the avengers tower. I found out that Steve lived their with the other avengers.

When we arrived at the tower, I paid the taxi driver and headed into the reception.
"I need to see Steve Rodgers." I said to the man at the reception.
"Sorry pal, you can't just walk in there." He replied, looking me up and down.
"Please I- I used to know him. I fought with him in the war." I beg.
"Yeah, right. You'd be like 100. Sorry, I can't let you in." He replies coldly. I sigh and take a seat on one of the couches. There are a lot of tourists walking around, admiring the building and taking pictures by it. I notice a man come from the elevator with a baseball cap and a leather jacket. I immediately recognise him as Steve. I get up from my seat and run over to him. I tap him on the shoulder,
"Steve.." I say quietly. I don't wanna attract attention or give away his disguise. He turns around and Immediately his jaw drops open.
"Bucky?" He says, shocked.
"Yeah Steve it's me... I remember you" I say, tears forming in my eyes. I can see that he is about to cry too.
"I love you" He says, embracing me. I hug him back and he leads me upstairs to talk. For the first time in a while, I'm happy.

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