summer days

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today was glorious. steve and bucky were sat, legs tangled in each other's, on the roof of the avengers tower, just being. steve has always loved slow and calm summer days, and in amongst this crazy avenging life style of his, this was utopia. bucky has missed the sun, years of basements and snow had sheltered him from these relaxing days of perfect serenity. the other avengers needed something else, something to be doing, laying in the sun was just too still for them, which steve understood.

bucky shifts from his position to lay next to steve, wrapping his arms around his best friend.
"i've missed you" he hums lazily, eyes slowly drifting shut.
"we're together now. forever." steve reassures, his mind drifting to a sort of alternative reality where he and bucky have a life together, without the war, without hydra, without anything. just them. together, forever. he's pulled out of his daydream when he hears buck snoring softly, and he looks down at his soulmate in awe, kissing his forehead lightly and smiling softly until he drifts off too sleep himself.

tony makes his was up to the roof after hours of not seeing the two supersoldiers, worried that something happened to them. when he sees them tangled up in each other, sleeping so peacefully, his heart melts. as the sun had disappeared and the starts came out, there was a slight chill that appeared with them. tony grabbed a blanket from a sofa and headed back up to the roof, heading over to the two soldiers and draping it over them, smiling slightly at how in love they were. bucky stirs in his sleep and steve shuffled closer to him, melting tony's heart a little more.

when bucky woke up, he was alone. he looked around, unsure of where steve was. he lay back down on the cushions they had arranged the previous day, and took in the baking sunshine. after a few minutes of laying in the sun, steve appeared, holding some boxes.
"morning" he soothes, kissing bucky sweetly as he sets the boxed down.
"or should i say afternoon" he smiles cheekily.
"what time is it?" bucky asks, surprised for how long they had slept.
"nearly 1. i ordered some pizza for lunch, thought we could just spend the day up here again." steve smiles and hands bucky a pizza box.
"thank you, buttercup." bucky leans in for a soft kiss.

they eat their pizza slowly and spend the rest of the day basking in the sun and talking, and later sam came up and ate some pasta with them in the evening. just like the night before, they fell asleep in each others arms, whispering sweet nothings as they drifted off.

they were woken early in the morning but the sound of thunder and a few drops of rain. they picked up the cushions and blankets and made their way inside just as the rain started to get heavier and lightning started to strike. they went to the communal living room and sat down, glad they woke up before they got soaked.
"are you thinking what in thinking?" bucky grinned cheekily and steve smirks, leaning in for a kiss, only to be stopped by bucky.
"i was actually thinking of building a fort but that seems silly now" bucky states and steve bursts out into laughter, and soon they are both in hysterics.
"let's build a fort then!" steve chuckles as he grabs some blankets. not to boast or anything, but steve and bucky liked to think of themselves as the pillow-fort gods. years of building them back in the 40's and when they were kids had lead them to be masters in this area.

after about an hour of intense fort building, they were finally done:

they lay back in their fort and listened to the thunder and rain outside

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they lay back in their fort and listened to the thunder and rain outside.
"we need to go on a snack mission" states bucky, putting on his best shield-agent voice.
"affirmative." steve gets up, saluting to bucky. who stealthy gets out of the fort and makes his was to the kitchen, steve following behind. once they reach the kitchen they start going through the cupboards, searching for any snacks. they grab a bag and start loading snacks into it, grabbing some sodas from the fridge too. once they have enough snacks to feed an army, they make their way back to the fort. after a few minutes, they hear a knock on the wall.
"who goes there!" steve says dramatically.
"it is i, sir anthony of upstairs!" tony replies dramatically and enters the fort with a blanket wrapped around him.
"may i join you?" he looks like he just woke up, his hair is all messy and he's wearing scruffy pijamas, it's unusual to see tony so unkempt.
"sure, come in. we've got snacks." they all talk and home for a while until they hear someone else outside the fort.
"hello?" it's bruce, he pokes his head round the blanket that is the door and looks in at the three men surrounded by blankets.
"hey bruce! come join! we have snacks" says bucky and bruce comes in, wrapping himself in tony's blanket.
"i couldn't sleep because of the storm, it's supposed to last the whole day aswell." he states.
"well i guess we will just have to stay in here all day." says steve and everyone chuckles.

one by one, sam, thor, clint, natasha, t'challa, peter q, stephen, valkyrie and loki all enter the fort. they brought more snacks and some brought a games. everyone in the avengers tower was all in there, so they expanded it slightly. they were all tucked up in their duvets, listening to the storm and just talking. it was so nice to just sit and talk, just get to know each other without a mission or agenda to worry about. they all lived together, yet they found that the barely knew each other. they spent the whole day there in the fort, and as it got later they all started to drift off to sleep there, steve and bucky in each others arms,
bruce laying on thor's chest, natasha gripping clint's arm. by the end of the day, they knew everything about each other. they were closer then before, and they all seemed to be more comfortable with eachother.

in the morning, the storm seemed to have passed and the sun was shining again. they all woke up in the fort, tangled up in eachother.
"wanna go for breakfast?" tony suggests and everyone nods. they all go to a small diner in brooklyn that steve and bucky has suggested so fondly. after they ate, they found themselves in a park, and they found a soccer ball. steve and bucky lay basking in the sun while the other avengers played with the ball.
"hey buck"
"yea steve"
"marry me"

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