Fuck you very much

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I'm sport I haven't posted in a while but I have had not inspiration; hence this very awful chapter

Bucky works in the supermarket and Steve stands up for him~

*steves pov*

I've just finished work for the day and I'm heading home, when I remember something. We have no food. I told tony yesterday to buy groceries but he didn't, so we had to order take out last night. I drive to the supermarket on my motorcycle and park it in one of the spaces.

Once I'm inside the supermarket, I notice how busy it is. This is why I wanted tony to do the shopping, I hate crowds. I grab a trolley and start placing intend into it. I smile as I put in a box of lucky charms. That is one perk of doing the shopping, you get to decide what you have. If Tony was doing it, he would get fruit loops. And If Clint was, he would get cornflakes. Both terrible choices. I put some other basics into the trolley and head over to the candy aisle. I grab some sugar and head to the checkouts.

Once I reach the check outs, I notice a very rude lady shouting at a cashier as he try's desperately to put her food through the till and into the bags, it appears he only has one arm. I listen to what she is saying.
"Why do you even work here?! Your so slow! I'm in a hurry." She spits.
"I'm sorry ma'am I can't help-"
"They shouldn't hire disabled people at a place where people are often in a hurry." She cut him off. I notice his beautiful blue eyes tearing up and I step in.
"Excuse me, why are you being so rude to this man?" I day, politely as possible.
"He's disabled. He shouldn't work here. He's doing it all wrong and he's too slow." She says, glaring.
"I can't help it I-" he stutters, looking ashamed.
"I think you need to stop being so rude, he's just doing his job." I say, trying to to shout.
"Not good enough." She shouts. At this moment, a man walks over with the managers name tag on, which reads 'sam'.
"Excuse me is there a problem here- Bucky are you okay?" He says, going up to the cashier I now know is called Bucky.
"He's to slow. You shouldn't hire him here." She repeats.
"That is very rude of you ma'am. I'm going to have to ask you to leave this store immediately. Have a nice day." He says glaring. I notice him holding Bucky's hand as he shakes.
"Bucky I can take the next few customers. Go and take a little break." He says, soothingly.
"N-no im okay, thank you sam." He seems to have stopped shaking, and sam just smiles and leaves.
"Sorry about that-"
"It's okay. She was rude" I cut him off.
"Are many people rude to you?" I ask.
"Uggh, I guess so. It's mainly just teenagers laughing at me but I never really get confronted like that." He admits and chuckles slightly.
"You have beautiful eyes." I say, instantly blushing. He blushed to and smiles.
"Thanks." He trues to hide his blush as be ours my food through the till. Once he's done I pay for it and give him my number. He smiles widely and blushes. When I'm exiting the store I look back at him talking excitedly at sam, who just stands there and looks proud.

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