Funfair bonding

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Steve wanted his best friend and fiancé to get along. Sadly, their first encounter wasn't the best, and they absolutely hated each other. They would fight about the smallest  things, sam would make a sarcastic comment about something Bucky did and Bucky would glare at him with resent.

Finally, Steve had enough. He called sam round to him and bucky's floor of the avengers tower, and sat them both down in the living room.
"Right. We are having a bonding day. My best man and fiancé need to get along. And you have no choice." He said with a smile. Both sam and Bucky groaned.
"Babe, please. I don't wanna spend the day with bird brain."
"Fuck you metal man."
"That's Steve's job, you fu-"
"Right! That's enough. To the car!" Steve cut them off. They made their way outside to the car and got in. Sam rolled his eyes as bucky held Steve's hand while Steve drove. Bucky glared at him through the mirror.
Once they reached the cafe they where having lunch at, they climbed out the car and headed inside and ordered their food.
"Right, whats the plan? Museum? Theme park?" Steve said joyfully. Bucky's eyes lit up when Steve said theme park.
"Let's go to the theme park! I haven't been to one, like, ever!" Bucky squealed excitedly.
"That actually sounds kinda fun, I haven't been to a theme park science I was a kid." Sam said, smiling. Steve's face lit up as he saw his two best friends agreeing on something.
"Then it's settled, to the theme park." Steve grinned. Once they ate, they headed back to the car and Bucky glared at sam when he got in the front seat. He reluctantly got into the back, still glaring.
"Can you move your seat up?" He said, trying to squeeze is legs in.
"No." Sam replied, and Bucky moved over to sit behind Steve. They drove to the theme park, Steve's classical music blaring through the speakers of his small car. They all excitedly hopped out the car and Steve grabbed bucky's hand, smiling. Neither of them had been to a theme park before, back in the 40's, they where too expensive and they needed money to buy food. They wondered into the entrance and got their tickets, instantly regretting it when they saw the giant roller coaster that they where presented with. None of them wanted to admit that they where absolutely terrified. Steve stood up straight and puffed out his chest.
"Should we- uh- go on this one?" He says, tightening his grip on bucky's hand.
"Uh- yeah man- this looks... fun." Sam says, In an uncertain tone. Bucky stays quiet. They make their way over to the line, which sadly, was empty. All three where hoping for the line to be long and decide that's the ride was not worth it.

Their ride came around in no time. They anxiously got on the ride, Bucky in the middle, refusing to go on the edges 'incase he fell out'. The ride started to make its way upwards, and all three stayed silent. They reached the top and looked at each other like it was the last time they would ever see one another.

Slowly, the Roller coaster started to tip downwards. And then it went. They all went flying forwards, backwards and in every other direction. They were screaming at the top of their lungs as they went hurtling down from the top, and sam grabbed onto bucky's hand as he screamed.

When the ride came to an end, They all looked slightly dishevelled. Bucky's long hair was a complete mess, Steve's perfect hair was also sticking out in all different directions, and sam was still holding bucky's hand. They excited the ride in silence, gripping each others hands tightly while trembling with fear.
"Do- does anyone w-wanna go on the bumper c-cars?" Sam said, still in sock. Steve and Bucky just nodded as they headed off to the bumper cars.

After their ride on the bumper cars, they had all relaxed a bit and where now eating ice cream, however Steve had disappeared somewhere and his ice cream was melting. After a while, he returned with a huge stuffed bear.
"Hey buck, won this for ya." He says shyly, handing him the bear.
"Awe stevie, thank you." Bucky smiles widely, hugging the bear and kissing Steve.
"Right love birds, lets head home!" Sam interrupts, walking off in the direction of the exit.

They went home and told their fellow avengers about the big ride they had been on, telling them how it 'wasn't scary' and how they didn't even scream.

They swore not to tell anyone how scared they really where.

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