Ill take care of you

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Back in the forties with ma faves

*steves p.o.v*

I noticed something was off from the moment he walked through the door. The door flung open and Bucky ran inside, and straight to the bathroom. I furrowed my brows in confusion and slowly made my way to the bathroom, opening the door slowly. There I see Bucky, kneeling beside the toilet, throwing up. He hasn't noticed me yet, so I back out the door. I know that Bucky hates people seeing him When he's sick, so I don't want to make him uncomfortable. I listen at the door, and I hear that he's stoped throwing up. I open the door slowly and slide in. He looks up and smiles, he looks a mess.
"Hey stevie. How was your day?"
"Your sick." I say, ignoring the question.
"Just a bug stevie. Ain't nothin to worry about." I know that's a lie. Bucky always has bad pain in is stomach, and sometimes it makes him throw up. He never mentions anything though, he can't miss a day of work because we need to pay for food. I always tell him that I could get a job, but he refuses. I go over to him and put a hand on his back. He starts throwing up again and I stay this time. He pauses, and I know wha he's about to say.
"Steve- please go-"
"No buck. Let me take care of you." He knows there is no point arguing. I start to unbutton his shirt to avoid him throwing up on it.
"Did you eat someth-"
"No. I haven't eaten anything. It's a bug. Just a bug."
"Okay, it's okay." I say soothing his back. I know he's embarrassed about being vunrable, so I don't push any further. He starts throwing up and I press shooting kisses to his bare back, stroking his thick hair. He finally finishes and sits back, shaking.
"I have to go back to work." He slowly gets up, stumbling a little as he makes his way to the door.
"Your not going back to work buck- Your sick."
"No I ain't. I'm fine." He mumbles, holing his arm to his stomach. He's in pain. I go to the door and stand in-front of it.
"I'm not letting you go to work Buck. Now go to bed." I say in my stern voice. He looks to tired to argue. My face softens as I notice him crying.
"The pain- it's so bad stevie- please-" he's almost sobbing now, and my heart breaks. I take his hand and lead him to our bedroom. I kiss him on the cheek and stroke his hair.
"Don't worry honey. I'll take care of you." I sooth, laying him down. He closes his eyes, his hand still clutching mine.
"I love you stevie."
"I love you too buck"

Avengers (stucky) one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora