Eyes for one person

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Yooo so
Lil pre war for ya
The roles have been reversed
Steve is the charming, handsome ladies man, and Bucky is a small, sickly guy with no knowledge about ladies.

*steves pov*

I wake up slowly to a very strange feeling. Bucky had crawled into my bed last night after he had stomach cramps and couldn't sleep, and right now he was cuddled up against me, dried tears evidently present on his flushed cheeks. I smile sadly, Bucky would never admit to me he had been crying, but I knew how bad the pain was. Bucky had been born with no left arm and multiple health complications, including anaemia and a stomach problem that caused him a great deal of pain and throwing up. He looked like an angel as he slept, so peaceful, so small. I just want to stay here and protect my sickly best friend, protect him from bullies, bar fights, sickness, and anyone else who might cause him the slightest bit of harm. But I can't. I have to work. We need money to pay for food and medicine, so I got a job at the docks to make sure we never had a shortage of food and I could always dose Bucky up with the the right drugs if he falls ill.

I slowly pry Bucky's arm away from my torso and get up. I shake him gently to wake him and his eyes slowly flutter open, he stares up at me.
"Hey buck, I need to head off to work but I will make you breakfast, okay? Do you need help getting ready?" I ask and he nods slowly, eyes still half lidded, almost crying out for more sleep. He sits up and gets up reluctantly, avoiding eye contact.
"Was the pain bad? Or did you have a nightmare?" I ask soothingly.
"No." He firmly replies, embarrassment flooding his rosy cheeks.
"Buck- it's okay. I've known you your whole life. There is no need to be embarrassed! Do you remember when we were kids and I caught the flu? Your took care of me, remember? You stayed with me until I was better. You are always there for me so I intent to be there for you, weather you like it or not." I say, getting out a shirt from my drawer and heading into Bucky's room to grab clothes for him.
"Yes but it's fine for you! Your Steve Rodgers, ladies man, charming, handsome, look at me steve! LOOK AT ME! IM HOPELESS! you might as well give up now because you know what.. I'm not going to get better.. I- i-" He trails off, voice small and vulnerable.
"Do you really believe that? You really think your hopeless?" I ask softly, tears brimming in my own eyes. He nods slowly, looking down.
"Buck- your the handsomest guy I know. By far. Your a catch buck- and you need to realise that before the Dame's do. You gotta' be confident in yourself, you are the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful person I've ever met-" I stopped myself. Did I just call Bucky beautiful? I mean, he is beautiful, but am I supposed to look at a boy like that? I shake it off and continue to talk to him, hiding my flushed cheeks.
"I just wish you would realise that. And you don't need to be embarrassed about your health, I understand. I always have and I always will. Till the end of the line, remember?" I look over at him, he's sitting on the bed, looking down. I think he's crying.
"Thank you stevie- I- I'm sorry I lied to you. I came into your bed last night because the pain was so bad, I was scared what I would do if I was alone- I needed to be with someone. With you." Bucky says quietly.
"What do you mean you were scared to be alone?" I ask softly.
"I don't know- I- i was just scared that the pain would become too much and I would try to- ya know, like last time..." He trails off again. Tears start falling from my eyes as I am reminded of last December. Buck was going through a bad patch with his stomach, he could barely eat without throwing up and the pain was unbearable. I was sleeping one night when a sudden thud on the floor of the bathroom awoke me. I stumbled into the bathroom to make sure Bucky hadn't fallen over or something, and what I saw scarred me for life. I saw my best friend, lying there, in a pool of his own vomit, chocking, with his empty pill bottles scattered around him. I managed to stop him from drowning in his own vomit, and he threw up all the other pills he swallowed. I forced him to promise to talk to me whenever the pain was bad.
"It's okay buck. Always come to me when you are in pain, okay?" I go over to him as he nods, and help him button up his shirt and trousers. I get dressed myself and make breakfast for the two of us.

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