The trial

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Set after TWS

Today was the day. Today, the winter soldier faced up to his crimes, and takes the punishment.

Everything's was going okay. Bucky had escaped hydra, and after a few months of living on the streets, Steve had found him. It only took three months for the two super soldiers to confess their love for each other. Things were great, Bucky was still traumatised by his past, however he always felt better when Steve's strong muscular arms wrapped around him, making him feel safe. like no one would ever hurt him. Bucky had just got healthy again, after months of living on the streets his weight had dropped dangerously low, however after Steve found him they worked out a healthy way to gain weight so he could be back to his old self. He was mostly back to his old self, appearance wise. His hair was cut short like the old days, and his charming smirk that make the ladies fall at his feet had just started to re-appear. However, good things never last long for these two supersoldiers. It was a lazy afternoon, Bucky and Steve had just finished their game of chess and where just about to watch a documentary about whales that Bucky had wanted to see. Their was a knock at the door and when Steve wondered over to open it, three large cops barged past him and headed straight for Bucky. They violently pushed him against a wall and cuffed him.  Bucky was crying, the three men were terrifying him. He let out a whimper and Steve approached the men, shouting for them to stop scaring him. Once Bucky was cuffed, they dragged him outside while listing the winter soldier's crimes, as if Bucky was the one who committed them. He was held in overnight, and a court date was set. And today was the day.

Bucky was sitting in the court room, looking down at the floor in shame. Tony had supplied him with a lawyer, saying that he was the best in the business. Bucky was wearing a suit, trying to look presentable and not like a murderous assassin. The judge made an appearance and called up the lawyer that was trying to charge Bucky with the crimes. Bucky looked back at Steve for reassurance, and he smiled back.
"Your honour. This man committed countless acts of violence and murdered several people. He assassinated president Kennedy. This man is dangerous, he should not be allowed on the streets. He is a monster."
The lawyer went on to say many more hurtful things and Bucky could see the judge's eyes widening as he listed of some to the heinous crimes. After a few minutes, Bucky's lawyer was called up.
"Your honour. Those crimes where not committed by this man. Those crimes were committed be the winter soldier. My client was kidnapped, tortured, and brainwashed into becoming a monster. He mental state was not right. He does not deserve the punishment, hydra does. My client is a respectable, hardworking man named James Buchanan Barnes, a future avenger. Not the winter soldier." The lawyer finished what he was saying and took his seat. Bucky was dreading the next part
"Would the defendant please come to the stand"
Bucky slowly stood up and made his way to the stand.
"James Buchanan Barnes." The lawyer against Bucky said dramatically.
"Yes, sir." Bucky stated, glaring slightly.
"It is true, that you, The winter soldier, committed dreadful crimes, ranging from arson, to torture, to murder, is it not?"
Bucky looked up, trying not to cry.
"I-I did not commit those crimes. The -the wi-winter soldier d-did" Bucky managed to stutter out, his confidence stripped.
"The winter soldier. The winter soldier that volunteered to join hydra? The winter soldier that is just pretending to act innocent, but actually planning to assassinate captain Rodgers?" Bucky was angry now- he was terrified of hurting Steve.
"I- I am not going to hurt Steve! I love him! I am not pretending and I did not volunteer for hydra! They kidnapped me! The kidnapped me, cut my arm of, replacing it with this machine and brainwashed me so bad I didn't even know where I was half the time! I didn't know who I was! I was the asset. I had no name, they took my name. They tortured me, made me do awful, truly awful things, and when I started to even have the slightest idea of who I used to be, they would wipe me again! I had nothing. For seventy years. Starved, tortured, brainwashed, raped. They forced me to try and kill be best friend. After seven try years I finally escape, and I just want to be at home with my boyfriend, who, by the way, I also have not seen for 70 years. I have my memory back, I know who I am, and I am proud. I am James Buchanan Barnes."
Everyone in the courtroom was silent. Bucky's mouth was wide open, realising what he just did. Steve had tears in his eyes, he just wanted to hold his Bucky so no one could ever hurt him.
After some long thoughts, the court finally came to a decision. Bucky was sentenced to a psychiatric evaluation and probation for 3 months. This was better then jail time, and Bucky was over-hours to be allowed back home. After the trial, tony had a celebration with all the avengers gathered. Bucky pretended to act like it was nothing, but secretly he was the happiest he had ever been. He had found his people.

I don't know what this was tbh- I'm in a weird mood

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